- Brand assortments overview
- Retail assortments overview
- Doors overview
- Creating and naming an assortment
- Selecting your doors or deliveries when creating a new assortment
- Single Brand assortments: Collaborating with a vendor
- Multi Brand assortment: Viewing a single vendor
- Market Settings modal
- Copy an assortment
- Sharing an assortment
- How Brands provide catalogs and data
- Shop catalogs and products to add to your assortment
- Adding all products to an assortment from a linesheet or custom list
- Configure the displayed data in the Shop area
- How to filter your assortment in the Grid View
- Changing the size of product cards in Tile View
- Customizing visible product metrics in Tile View
- Move or copy items from one assortment to another
- Using undo and redo in assortments
- Exporting your assortments to XLS/CSV
- Setting custom default values in an assortment
- Notifications: Keep track of changes to key fields