Doors overview

When planning your buy by store locations, it's often helpful to work through your doors in an organized flow, making item selections or planning units for similar doors together.

To support these workflows, NuORDER Assortments lets you label and group your doors using Attributes. Whether it's by cluster, region, channel, climate or other classifications, you can label and organize your doors the way you need to plan efficiently.

Additionally, you can add text notes to doors, or use the sort functionality to easily review your doors in order from largest to smallest, or vice-versa.

Turn doors on/off in your assortment

You can turn your doors on or off two different ways. 

First, you can select the Doors icon to activate your doors in the assortment. This allows you to easily show or hide all of your doors in a single click. Select the icon again to toggle the doors off.


The second option is to select the Doors tab in the sidebar menu (Columns, Filters, Sort, Doors, etc.), then turn on the Show toggle and click Apply.  

This Doors tab gives you much more functionality and the ability to configure and work with doors and groupings while still viewing your grid.

Note: Your retailer must be configured for the new Doors UI in the sidebar menu and before it will appear in your assortments.


By default, when Doors are on, the doors columns will be organized in the order your retailer set up.

Turn on multiple door groupings in assortments and rollups

In the Attributes tab, you can view, enable, and configure all of the different door groupings in the assortment. Select the checkbox next to an attribute name to turn it on.


By default, the attribute shows all items. Select Showing all values to view the list of values available within that group and configure which values you want to display.

You can drag and drop any of the attributes or values using the handle next to each item to rearrange them however you want. Or you can use the sort icon to automatically list them in ascending (default) or descending order. The order that they appear in the list (top to bottom) is the order that will be reflected in the Grid and CDP sizing table (left to right).

When you’re finished making your customizations, select Apply to view your changes. You can also save these selections as a part of your Saved View to revisit later. 

Note: Adding many columns into your Grid view can sometimes cause slower performance because of the amount of data loaded on your screen. To ensure your assortment is quick and usable, we will display a warning message below the Apply button when you’ve selected too many columns. If you see this message, we recommend deselecting some doors, deliveries, or attributes before clicking Apply.  

Set up door attributes for your assortment

You can assign your classifications to each door in the Edit door grouping modal, which contains your full list of doors, with an indication of which doors are in your current assortment. For example, if you plan by clusters, this is where you will assign doors to their clusters.

To open this modal, select the pencil icon in the Attributes subtab


In this modal, you will see columns for each door attribute that your retailer has pre-set in NuORDER. 

Some of these may be pre-populated from your retailer, for example Channels or Regions, which rarely change. Others, like Cluster, may change depending on the buying team, brand, and season of the assortment. These can either be blank by default or populated with the ability to be adjusted.


To assign or modify a door's attribute value, click into the cell, and select your desired value from the drop-down menu.

Pro tip: You can copy and paste from Excel or another assortment. For example, if your financial planning system has a report you can generate with the cluster assignments, you can paste the whole list into the cluster column.

When you're done assigning your clusters and other door attributes for this assortment, click the X to close the window.

You can come back here anytime to change the door attribute assignments for this assortment.

Import door attributes into assortments via Excel template

The import feature is located in the Manage Door Attributes modal. There are two options to access it within an assortment, depending on your retailer’s configuration:

  • Select the Doors tab in the sidebar panel, then select Attributes > the plus + icon > Import door groupings. This will open the modal directly to the import tool.
  • Select the Doors menu in the header, then Assign door groupings to open the Manage door groupings modal, then go to the Import door groupings tab.

Download existing door data

In the Manage Door Attributes window, select Export door attributes to download a spreadsheet with all of the current data.

The Code/ID column will be used as the identifier to update the doors. Feel free to save this to your own file or template for future use. It is the only required column for import. As a best practice we recommend deleting any columns from the file that you will not be updating.

Prepare your file

Modify your file however you’d like, including adding a grouping and its values, turning doors on or off, adding attributes in bulk, and more.

Turn doors on or off:

  • To turn doors off: Set In Assortment to NO, N, or false.
  • To turn doors on: Set In Assortment to YES, Y, or true.

Add a new custom attribute:

  • Add a new column with the attribute name in the first row.
  • Fill out the values needed per door. If a door is not relevant for the attribute, you can leave it blank.

Update an existing attribute:

  • Make sure the attribute name in your file is an exact match to the attribute in the assortment. (If you’re not sure, download the existing data.)
  • Modify the values assigned to each door. You can work with the existing values and simply reapply them, or you can introduce new values. Blanks are accepted.

Save the file to your computer.

What to expect with the upload:

  • All doors and attributes included in your file will be updated, provided the attribute is editable.
  • Any doors (rows) or attributes (columns) that are fully omitted from your file will remain as-is.
  • Any non-editable columns (Name, Notes, non-editable attributes) will be ignored. You can leave them in your file or delete them.

Upload your file

In the Manage Door Attributes window, select the Import door groupings tab. Review the file format tips, then drag and drop your file or select click here to choose a file from your computer.

After you upload a file, you’ll either see a check mark, confirming your file is valid and ready to upload, or an error message with information about issues with the file.

When you see a check mark on the drop area, select Next. On the Confirm your changes window, you see a preview of changes that will be made to your assortment when you confirm. Select Yes, make these changes to confirm, or select No, cancel upload to go back to the upload screen.

Arrange your door columns into groups

Grouping your doors will automatically arrange the door columns into groups based on a selected attribute. For example, if you plan by clusters, grouping your doors by cluster will allow you to view and work through all the A doors together, then the B doors, and so on, in an organized manner with totals to help you keep track of each door group.

In the Doors tab of the sidebar, select Attributes. From here, you can select one or more checkboxes next to a door grouping. The selected grouping(s) will display in the grid after you click Apply.


You may want to focus only on a specific group of doors. Underneath your selected attribute, click the arrow to display the full list of values within that grouping. Use the checkmarks to configure which values are shown or hidden from the grid. 

Note: If your retailer also uses another dimension like Delivery for planning units, you will see the Door columns and their groupings repeated under each Delivery.

You can also filter assortment views by Deliveries, Doors, and Door Attributes using the filter icon in the assortment header next to the Search Assortment search bar.

To filter by Deliveries, select the filter icon > Add filter > then choose Deliveries from the drop-down. Select the delivery or deliveries you want to view in your assortment.

To filter by Doors, select the filter icon > Add filter > then choose Doors from the drop-down. Select the door(s) you want to view in your assortment.

To filter by Door Attributes, select the filter icon > Add filter > then choose Door Attributes from the drop-down. Select an attribute, then select the value(s) you want to view in your assortment.

Click Apply to apply your selected filters. The filter icon will display a count of how many filters you have applied.

To remove a filter, open the filter drop-down menu and select the X on an individual filter. To remove all filters, select the X on the filter icon in the header.


Order metrics and totals

Order metrics are different formulas or values that you can see represented in your door or door grouping columns. In addition to Doors and Attributes, you can select one or more of these Metrics in the Doors panel to view them in your grid, giving you more configuration options to view and evaluate how your assortment is rolling up as you’re writing quantities. 

In your Metrics subtab, there is a list of these formulas that are available for you to use. When you select a checkbox to turn on a Metric, you will see three toggles that can be configured to control at which level that Metric is turned on within your grid. The three different levels of metrics are: Values, Totals, and Subtotals. 

  • Values: The lowest level visible in the grid. Values represent the lowest level, so if you have Doors turned on, the door is the lowest level. However, if Doors are turned off, and two or more Attributes are on, the lowest ordered Attribute in the Doors panel is the lowest level. (See scenarios below.)
  • Totals: The highest level visible in the grid, which is always the Totals section to the far left of the door groupings. This section represents the grand totals of the assortment across all doors and deliveries.
  • Subtotals: Anything between the lowest level and highest level in the grid. This will usually be your Deliveries but can also apply to Attributes when you have more than one turned on.


Use these example scenarios to get familiar with the different levels and how they apply:

Scenario 1

If you turn on Deliveries, 2 Attributes (Climate and Cluster), and Doors, then: 

  • Totals = Totals section
  • Subtotals = Deliveries and both attributes 
  • Values = Doors

Scenario 2

If you turn on Deliveries and 2 Attributes (Climate and Cluster), but leave Doors turned off, then:  

  • Totals = Totals section
  • Subtotals = Deliveries and Climate
  • Values = Cluster

When you select a checkbox to turn on a Metric, all three levels (Values, Subtotals, Totals) are turned on by default. You can toggle each level off to configure your view before selecting Apply.

Note: Units and Average Units are the only values that are editable (except in Rollups, where everything is read-only). All other metrics will be formulas that are calculated based on these editable values. As you update your Units or Average Units, you will see the others update in real time.

Also in the Metrics subtab, you can toggle on Show assortment totals to view totals in each dimension or grouping column. Turning on this toggle will introduce a new row labeled Totals at the top of the grid. This row will be populated accordingly for each metric that is turned on at every level across doors, attributes, deliveries and totals.


Metrics will also work with any row groupings you create in your grid! To create a row grouping, you can  drag any schema field(s) into the Row Groups section of the Columns tab. This creates groupings of products based on your field selections and order.

When you use  these row groups, the grouped row in the grid will populate with the subtotals of that subset of products in each metric that is selected.


Display door labels in your assortment grid

You can also turn Attributes on as labels in the grid for reference as you work.

You can turn them on from within the Doors tab in the sidebar menu of your assortment. 

Toggle on Show doors. Select the labels icon within the Attributes Doors subtab, then choose the specific attribute you'd like to see used as a label and select Apply


Note: You can only display one door label at a time.

Each door column in the grid will now display its assigned attribute value as a label within the column header, next to the door name. (The doors will remain in their previous sequence in the grid.)

You can use door labels + attributes at the same time. Any door labels you have turned on will remain visible while the doors are grouped, allowing you to identify different types of doors within each group.


Create your own attributes

You can easily create and add your own attributes to your grid view! 

In an assortment, select the Doors tab from the sidebar and then toggle on Show doors.

Select Attributes, then select the Add grouping icon (+). 

Select Add manually, enter a Group name, then select Save. 

Note: Group names must be unique. You can’t have two groups with the same name in an assortment. 


From here, you’ll be brought into the Assign door groupings modal where you’ll see all attributes in your assortment. The group you just created will be added to the end of the list and will have a User tag next to the name.


Under the group you created, you select individual cells on different Door rows to manually add values. You can also copy and paste values from another location, like an excel sheet or another assortment. 

When you type in a value in one cell, you can then select that value  from a drop-down menu when you double-click into  another cell.


After you enter your data, select the X to close the modal. Your user-defined grouping is now in your list of groupings with the same functionality as the other displayed attributes. 

Don’t forget to select Apply to view your changes in the grid.

Note: For rollups, you can view all custom attributes from individual assortments and apply them to their door grouping settings for the rollup.

Expand and collapse door groups in the grid

As you work through your doors and units, you can expand and collapse each door group to show or hide the door columns and units within.

To collapse a door group, click the arrow next to the group name. The individual doors will collapse and you will only see the combined total units for that group.


To expand a collapsed door group, click the arrow again to expand the group and review the individual doors.

CollapseDoorGroup.gifYou can also expand and collapse column groupings within a given layer. For example, you can collapse an attribute, such as Climate Region, in the grid while still leaving your Deliveries or other attributes expanded.


Automatically sort your doors

You can also sort Doors by any available metric, in either ascending or descending order or in Door order. When you sort Doors, they’ll sort within the lowest grouping available on the grid (e.g. If only Doors and Deliveries are enabled, Doors are sorted within each Delivery). Whatever sort configurations you select will be included in your newly created Saved Views for quick access in the future.

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