Market Settings modal

This article is intended for Retail Assortments.

Use Market Settings to keep track of market appointments

Buyers and brands can fill out a Market Settings form within single brand assortments to note key information about the upcoming buying appointment. This form is our first feature introducing market appointment tracking into the platform. 

Accessing the Market Settings modal

If you are creating a new assortment (either from scratch from the Drive view or by copying a previous one), the Market Settings window will auto-open with your new assortment, allowing you to fill in the assortment name and anything else you want to note up front.

You can access the Market Settings anytime in the assortment’s kabob menu (upper right) or directly from the Drive list in the drive’s kabob menu (appears to the right when you hover over the row) to review or modify your entries without opening up the assortment.
From the Drive list, you will also be able to see and make updates to the Market Status directly. This allows brand users (with Writer or above permission) to update the status without needing to open the assortment and allows buyers to see at a glance if the brand is ready for market.

What’s included in the Market Settings

  • Assortment Name – Your assortment name. You can edit the name here or directly within the assortment view.
  • Buying Department – Depending on your retailer’s configuration, you may see either a freeform Department # field, or a lookup to your retailer’s specific buying department names and/or numbers.
    • If you have the freeform Department # – This should be the number associated with your buying division. (It may or may not be called “Department” within your retailer.)
    • If you have a lookup - Search for the buying department by name and/or number, just as you would when filling out this field within the assortment. If your retailer has two fields (e.g. name and number), the second field will auto-populate once you’ve made your selection from the list.
  • Market Date – The date of your buying appointment with the brand. This will help our internal team keep track of when the brand’s linesheets need to be ready.
  • Order Due Date – When your initial order commitment is due back to the brand.
  • Brand Contact – Your main point person(s) at the brand who would be responsible for making sure everything is ready for the market appointment. You can enter multiple valid email addresses, whether they are NuORDER users or not.
    Note: This contact is only for informational and support purposes, and will not share the assortment with them. To share the assortment, use the Manage Access tool to invite the user and assign a permission level. We recommend sharing the assortment with Writer permission, so the brand can update their Market Status.
  • Market Status – The brand’s status in getting NuORDER set up for the market appointment. This will help our internal team understand which brands might need support to prepare, and which are ready to go. The options are:
    • Pending Confirmation (default) – The brand’s participation has not yet been confirmed.
    • Participation ConfirmedThe brand will use NuORDER for your appointment and will be uploading linesheets.
    • Post Market Upload – The brand will load linesheets, products, and images into NuORDER after the market appointment, based on your selections.
    • Declined Participation – The brand will not be using NuORDER for your upcoming market appointment. Please reach out to the brand to encourage them to participate.
    • Linesheets are Ready – The brand has completed setting up NuORDER with the linesheets needed for your market appointment.

The Market Settings modal is only available in external assortments. This is because most of the information will be specific to the brand you are working with. Additionally, if you share the assortment with your brand partner, they can help fill in the relevant information, such as the due date or their market status. 

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