Copy an assortment

Need the same "Saved Views" in every assortment? You can copy an existing assortment (without the items) so you can start your next buy using the same pre-set column views and pivots. You can even include the same people to save time sharing the new assortment with your buying team.

Copying an assortment

1.  In the Drive list, right-click an assortment, then select Copy Assortment. If you’re already in the assortment you want to copy, select the kabob menu within your assortment, then select Copy Assortment. 


2. Choose the options for your copy. 


  • Name: The title for your new assortment.
  • Assortment Type: Choose Multi Brand (previously Internal) or Single Brand (previously External).
  • Brand: If the assortment will be Single Brand, assign the brand with whom you will collaborate.
  • Include items & notes: This will include all the products, notes, units, and photos from the original assortment, including SMUs. For security reasons, if you are changing the assortment type from Multi Brand to Single Brand, or changing the brand assigned to an External assortment, you won't be able to include items.
  • Share with the same people: This will include all the users and their assigned permission levels (owner, editor, viewer) in the new assortment copy. When selected, Internal users will always be included. For security reasons, if you are changing the assortment type from Single Brand to Multi Brand, or changing the brand assigned to a Single Brand assortment, NuORDER will automatically exclude any external brand users from the new copy.
  • Include door labels: See Copy an Assortment with Door Labels, Units, or Plan Data.
  • Include allocation data: See Copy an Assortment with Door Labels, Units, or Plan Data.
  • Include plan data: See Copy an Assortment with Door Labels, Units, or Plan Data.
  • Include default row values: This will copy all default row values (e.g. Buyer #, Dept, etc.) into your copied assortment.
  • Include plan targets: For retailers configured with the Targets feature in assortments, this copies the assortment’s targets with the same configurations and values.

3. The new assortment copy will be created according to your selected options.

Copy an Assortment with Door Labels, Units, or Plan Data

If your retailer uses doors, you'll also have options to include your door related data when copying an assortment. Look for these additional options in the Copy Assortment modal:

  • Include door labels: This will include all your door configurations made in the "Assign door labels" and "Manage door groupings" settings. For example if your next buy will use the same clusters, you can copy the door labels to have those clusters already set up in your new assortment.
  • Include allocation data: This will include your units per door in the new assortment, including units per size if applicable. 
  • Include plan data: This will include your targets per door in the new assortment for any of the five metrics you've entered in the "Show door plan" feature.

Choose new Doors and Deliveries for your copy

If your retailer users dimensions like Doors or Deliveries, you also have the option to specify the settings for the new copy. For example, you can keep your door labels, but change the delivery to the new season.

By default, they will reflect the selections from the source assortment.

To choose new dimensions:

  1. Click into the Doors or Deliveries drop-down.
  2. Check/uncheck your desired settings.

Copy from the Version History

The full history of your assortment is always available in the Version History. Whether a change was made by a vendor user or another member of your buying team, you can review the Version History and either copy an older version of an entire assortment or copy data from an older version to paste back into your current (or new) assortment.

Copy an assortment from Version History

  1. In an assortment, select the kebab menu in the upper-right corner, then choose Version History.
  2. Select the kebab menu on the version of the assortment you want to copy, then select Copy Assortment.
  3. In the Copy Assortment modal, choose where you want to save the assortment, name it, then select the desired options for the copied assortment. When you're done, select Confirm.

Copy deleted products from Version History

If you deleted a product from an assortment and need to recover it, you can view the Version History of that assortment and copy the product(s) back into your current or new assortment.

  1. In an assortment, select the kebab menu in the upper-right corner, then choose Version History.
  2. Select the version of the assortment you want to view.
  3. In the list view of the assortment, select the checkboxes next to the products you want to copy, then select the kebab menu in the upper-right corner and choose Copy.
  4. Back in the current version of the assortment, right-click in the assortment and select Paste to paste the copied products.
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