The Shop area provides you with a full-screen visual browsing experience, and easily switch back and forth from shopping to assorting.
- Selecting a vender
- Browsing catalogs
- Adding items to your assortment
- Viewing item details and photos
- Filtering with a catalog
- Searching for items
- Continue shopping your assortment
Selecting a vendor
When you start a new assortment, you’ll first land in the Shop area in All Brands mode.
Your complete list of connected vendors will be displayed on the screen. To select a vendor, select their icon.
Once you’ve selected a vendor, you’ll notice the top-level toggle has switched from All Brands to your selected vendor.
Select All Brands at any time to browse the full vendor list.
To switch from one vendor to another, select the brand drop-down to choose another vendor from the list.
Browsing catalogs
After you select a vendor, you'll see all catalogs available to you from that vendor. There are two types of catalogs that you may see:
- Linesheets – Master catalogs that the vendor has curated. These may be specific to your buying team or the may be global catalogs that are accessible to all retailers and sales reps working with the brand.
- Custom lists – Custom catalogs that have been created by your sales rep and shared specifically with you. These can be shared with multiple buyers within your organization, but will be tailored for your team only and are not visible to other customers or sales reps working with the vendor.
Adding items to your assortment
You can add an item to your assortment at any time by clicking the Cart icon. It will turn green, indicating that the item is in your assortment.
If you made a mistake and added the wrong item, select Undo from the confirmation message to remove it, or use the Undo keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-Z on PC; Command-Z on Mac).
Can I add a product multiple times?
Different retailers have different processes for planning across multiple deliveries -- some add the product again on an additional row, while others keep a single row with separate columns per delivery.
- If your organization falls into the latter, you will most likely have a preference set up to enforce that each product can be added only once to the assortment, to help keep your buy plans clean and duplicate-free.
Once a product has been added, the cart icon will be disabled, and bulk actions to Add all products will skip products that are already in the assortment, so you don't unintentionally add the same items again. - If your organization does intentionally add products multiple times within the same assortment, the cart icon will remain active even after the product has been added. You can also use the Clone and/or Add product again options within your assortment.
Viewing item details and photos
Need to see more before you add the item to your assortment? Select a product to launch the full details.
- You’ll see all images provided by the vendor, including hi-res zoom.
- Scroll down to view all attributes provided by the brand. (These are the same attributes you will see within the assortment once the item has been added.)
- Select Add to Assortment to add the item to your assortment.
- If it’s already added, selecting Edit in Assortment opens that item within your assortment where you can enter notes.
Filtering within a catalog
By default, you’ll see the items within the catalog based on how the vendor has merchandised it. You can refine your view to focus on a more specific subset using the filters.
Linesheet filters are driven by each brand and the attributes they have set up for their buyers to access. As such, you may see different filters offered on different vendors.
You can filter catalogs by products that haven’t been added to the assortment. This lets you easily view items that were added to the linesheet after you’ve made your initial selections.
For example, you can view and choose the items you want for dropship after you’ve made a buy plan for stores. Select the Assortment Status filter, then select Not in Assortment to easily focus your browsing and searching on products that haven’t been purchased for stores.
Searching for Items
Use the search bar to look for specific criteria, e.g. a style name, number, or color.
Continue shopping from your assortment
In an existing assortment, select Shop in the header or the Continue Shopping link in the footer at any time to return to the Shop area to add more items.