Edit a linesheet

Add products to your Linesheet, and then make configurations to promote your products.

Get started

Add products to new or existing Linesheets, and then, from the left navigation menu, go to Linesheets (aka Catalogs).

Within the Linesheet page, click and drag Linesheets to adjust the order. Select Create New in the upper-right corner to create a new one or select a Linesheet to make edits.

Note: Curious about who can see a Linesheet? Check out Linesheet visibility.

Linesheets page.


To make changes, check out the details in this article and the below video, which shows some of the Linesheet editing features in action.

Linesheet thumbnail

The Linesheet thumbnail is the image that displays on the main Linesheet page. Choose an image to promote your brand and entice customers to view each Linesheet.

Linesheet thumbnails.

Open a Linesheet and then select the pencil icon below the main image. In the Settings screen, click or drag an image into the Catalog Portrait Image section, and then select Done.


  • File format: JPG, JPEG, or PNG.
  • Recommended size: 240px x 240px
  • Min width: 240px
  • Max width: 240px

Note: If you ever need to remove this image, return to the Settings screen and select the trash icon in the upper-right corner of the Catalog Portrait Image. Select Done.



Click and drag a product to rearrange the order. To rearrange multiple products, use the check boxes above each item and then click and drag.

Reorder products.

Image separators

Add image separators to Linesheets to visually spotlight a key product or a collection of products.

Image separator.

Select the teal plus (+) icon in the lower-left corner, and then click and drag the image icon into the Linesheet. Within the Linesheet, drag or click the image separator to upload an image with these specifications:

  • RGB @ 72 dpi.
  • Recommended size: 1200px x 300px.
  • Maximum size: 3200px x 3200px.

Note: Select the kabob menu icon in the upper-right corner to delete the image separator.

Image separator specifications.


Organize your Linesheet into sections with headers.

Select the teal plus (+) icon in the lower-left corner, and then click and drag the separator icon into the Linesheet. Within the Linesheet, name the separator and rearrange it by clicking and dragging the hamburger menu icon to the left of the name.

Header separator.

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