You can create and edit linesheets (aka catalogs) by exporting a template from a linesheet, making updates to the spreadsheet, and then importing that file.
Go to Linesheets (or Catalogs) from the left navigation menu and select a linesheet. Within the linesheet, select the kabob menu in the upper-right corner and choose Export.
The exported spreadsheet contains a row for each product.
Note: If you'd rather a different file format (for example a PDF with images), select Download from the upper-right corner of the linesheet.
Use the exported file as a template, where you can:
- Add rows for each product and separator (line or image) in the linesheet (limit: 10,000 rows). As a best practice, copy and paste a row with the same Entry Type you want added to ensure you have all the required columns (examples: Catalog ID, Brand ID, etc.) before you make adjustments to the editable columns (examples: Product Sort, Product Notes, etc.).
- Specify a Title, Description, and default PDF Template.
- Set the Product Sort to establish the order in which products and separators appear in the linesheet.
- Edit or add other content based on the below table.
Before updating your exported spreadsheet, review these notes for each column. Note that we specify which columns shouldn’t be edited.
Column header | Edit? | Notes |
Catalog ID | See Notes | Don’t edit, unless you are creating a new linesheet. This is the ID for the linesheet you are editing. Clearing all cells in this column creates a new linesheet when you import. |
Brand ID | No | Don't edit. |
Sync ID | No | Don't edit. |
Owner Account ID | No | Don't edit |
Type | No | Don't edit. This indicates the type of export (linesheet or custom-list). |
Title | See Notes | When creating a new linesheet, enter a name for the linesheet (example: LUXE Loungewear Capsule Collection). When editing a linesheet, the Title must be the exact wording of the Name of the linesheet. If it's not an exact match, then a new linesheet will be created when running the import. |
PDF Template | Yes | Specify the default selection when sending the linesheet as a PDF (examples: landscape_4, landscape_5, landscape_single_4, landscape_single_16). |
Warehouse 1 | Yes | If using the Inventory Management feature, you can assign Warehouse(s) to a linesheet, using one or more Warehouse columns. When assigning more than one Warehouse, include additional columns for each: Warehouse 2, Warehouse 3, etc. |
Prebook | Yes | Enter N to indicate the linesheet isn’t prebook. Enter Y to indicate the linesheet is prebook only. |
Active | See Notes | Enter N in all rows to set the linesheet as inactive. Enter Y in all to set the linesheet as active. As a best practice, enter N to keep the linesheet inactive while you’re making edits. After you import and review the linesheet, you can activate it in the system. |
Archived | See Notes | Enter N in all rows to not archive the linesheet. Enter Y in all rows to archive the linesheet. Be cautious with this option because it archives your linesheet and it can’t be recovered. |
Hide When Expired | See Notes | Enter N in all rows to not hide products when delivery dates expire. Enter Y in any row to hide products past delivery dates. |
Folder | No | Don't edit. |
Description | Yes | Enter the description for the linesheet. |
Sort | No | Don't edit (use Product Sort for reordering content in the linesheet). |
Created On | No | Don’t edit. This is the linesheet creation timestamp. |
Modified On | No | Don’t edit. This is the last modification timestamp. |
Delivery Start | No | Don’t edit. This is the delivery window start timestamp. |
Delivery End | No | Don’t edit. This is the delivery window end timestamp. |
Product Id | Yes | This is the product ID and is required for identifying each product. |
Product Brand Id | No | Don't edit. |
Product Season Name | Yes | This is the product season and is required for identifying each product. |
Product Style Number | Yes | This is the product style number and is required for identifying each product. |
Product Color Name | Yes | This is the product color name and is required for identifying each product. |
Product Sort | Yes | Enter a number to specify the order of the products and separators in the linesheet. You can enter a number with multiple decimal places, so you don’t have to renumber all rows when adding new lines (examples: 0.25, 1, 1.01, 1.5, 2, etc.). |
Product Notes | Yes | Type a note for each product. This is optional. |
Entry Type | See Notes |
The Entry Type is required to display a product or a separator.
Entry Label | See Notes | Enter a label for a row with a separator Entry Type. This label describes the section (examples: Jackets, Earrings, Bags, etc.). An Entry Label is not required, but is encouraged when communicating what's displayed in a section. |
Entry Options | No | This includes the image details for a row with an image Entry Type. See the Image separator section below for an optimized process of adding an image separator. |
Use the exported file to add and organize rows of content. The below example only shows a snippet of the available columns.
Reminder: As you add rows, we suggest that you copy and paste a row with the same Entry Type you want added to ensure you have all the required columns (examples: Catalog ID, Brand ID, etc.) before you make adjustments to the editable columns (examples: Product Sort, Product Notes, etc.).
Line separators
As a tip, if you add a new row, and then copy and paste the contents of a separator row, remember to update the Entry Label and the Product Sort, which specifies the order of the products and separators in the linesheet.
Reminder: You can enter a number with multiple decimal places, so you don’t have to renumber all rows when adding new lines (examples: 0.25, 1, 1.01, 1.5, 2, etc.).
Image separators
We recommend following these steps when editing the placement of an image separator in your exported linesheet:
- Go to the linesheet (aka catalog) and add an image separator at the bottom.
- Export the linesheet.
- Within the exported spreadsheet, insert a blank row where you want the image separator.
- Locate the row with the image separator. Cut and paste the image separator row into the new blank row. The image separator row includes
- The Entry Type is image.
- Entry Options includes code identifying the image. For example {"ext":".jpg","name":"c0dbeff316b2c637fc6779d39dd76a6b","original_name":"88470004"}. Alternatively, you can enter an image URL into the Entry Options column.
- Use the Product Sort column to adjust the order of the image separator row.
- As a reminder, you can enter a number with multiple decimal places.
- For example, enter 7.5 to place the contents of that row between the rows with a Product Sort column entry of 7 and 8.
- Save your spreadsheet and follow the steps in the Import section of this article to review your changes.
From the left navigation menu, go to Linesheets (aka Catalogs) and select Import in the upper-right corner.
Note: If the Import button isn't there and you want to enable this option, contact the NuORDER Support team.
Drag-and-drop your file into the upload section. The linesheet import supports XLS, XSLX, and CSV file formats. Select Close. Your linesheet will continue to process and you'll receive an email when your linesheet finishes processing.
After the import completes, you can make additional edits to your linesheet as needed, including reorganizing products and more.