Orders page overview

Use the Orders page to review your orders.


From the left navigation menu, select Orders.

Buyers can view the orders for another buyer under the same retailer account on a brand. You can only view the other buyers' orders if they're submitted into an actual order (not Draft Orders and not EZ Orders).

Note: Brand preferences determine the use of the Orders tab and may appear differently from the below example.

Example Orders tab.

For more information on Orders, see the details in this article and the below video.

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See the below descriptions for each order status.

Note: Buyers can't edit an order after it's submitted; only brand sales reps can make changes.

Status Description
Draft Draft orders are unofficial, in-progress orders. Draft orders can be edited, re-saved, deleted, or submitted as official orders by sales reps or by the associated buyers.
Pending Pending orders are placed by a brand user. Sales reps can edit the order as many times as needed and it will stay in Pending. When the order is final, look for the action to approve the order.
In review In review orders are placed by buyers and require brand review. When a sales rep has reviewed the order, they can approve it. Buyers and Brand users can edit these orders, and they will stay In review until they are approved.
Approved Approved orders were verified and approved by the sales rep. These orders have been reviewed, accepted, and are ready for processing.
Processed Processed orders were processed by the brand. This usually means the order was entered in the brand's back-office system.
Shipped (optional) Some brands like to use this status level to show that the order was Shipped, while others stop at Processed.
Cancelled Cancelled orders are locked and can't be edited or deleted by anyone. Orders remain in Cancelled for reference.


Shipping statuses (shipping integration only)

If the brand is using the shipping integration, the Shipping Status may display: Pending, All Shipped, Partially Shipped, or Not Shipped. See the below video for a brief demonstration of the shipping integration Shipping Statuses.

Edits to orders

To add products to a pending order, select the order's Edit Order (pencil icon). As a reminder, you can filter the list of orders to only those with the Pending status.

Pending filter.

If you have items in your cart, a pop-up displays, where you can select Review Cart or Replace Cart Contents. If you don't need the items in your cart, select Replace Cart Contents. Otherwise, go to your cart, save your Working Order as a draft, and then return to the Orders tab to edit the pending order. With the pending order now your Working Order, add products to your cart and submit the order.

If you edit and submit an order that another user also just changed, then you’ll see a notification with options to either clear or reload the cart. Also, if you edit an order that moves to a status that doesn’t allow updates (or the order is locked), you’ll see a notification with options to either clear or return to the cart (for review).

Edits to orders (for integrated brands)

After the order reaches the Processed status, we suggest managing order edits in your ERP. Although, your team can choose to update orders in NuORDER as a separate step for the Processed status. Select the edit pencil, make the adjustments, then Submit. Selecting Submit won't trigger the order to re-export into your ERP, but it will save changes in NuORDER.

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Table configurations

Use the options in the upper-right corner to configure the Orders table.

  • Sort: Use the first drop-down to choose a sorting option. Example: Date Created Descending.
  • Columns: Toggle on or off available columns to show or hide data.

Configure your Orders table display.

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Use the Search Orders bar in the upper-center of the screen to pinpoint a specific order(s) with an Order Number, buyer name, or company name.

Use the Search Orders search bar.

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Refine the list of displayed orders with the filters provided on the left.

  • Order Status: Select from Draft, EZ Order, Review, Pending, Approved, Processed, Shipped, and Cancelled.
  • Currency: If you work with multiple currencies, you can switch between them.
  • Company: Select the company placing the order. 
  • Sales Rep: Select the Sales Rep.
  • Date (multiple): Choose between Order Date, Order Modified Date, Start Ship, and End Ship Dates.

Use Filters on your Orders tab.

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NuORDER offers actions for individual orders and for multiple orders.

Individual orders

Hover your mouse over an order to reveal additional options on the right, as applicable.

  • Edit Order: Select the pencil icon to make changes to the order. Only brand sales reps can make changes to submitted orders.
  • Re-Order: If you want to place this same order again, select this option.
  • More Actions: Select the kebab icon to choose from additional options. The available actions differ for buyers and sales reps.

Hover over an order to see additional options.

Multiple orders

Hover your mouse over the status icon for an order to reveal and select the checkmark. Select additional orders or use the Select All that meet search & filter criteria checkbox in the header, which only appears if you've selected at least one order.

Tip: Use the filters on the left to refine your list of orders.

Use the Actions options in the upper-right corner: Download Order PDF, Move Back, Move Forward, Archive Order, or Move to Cancelled.

Bulk actions.

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Order details

Select an order to review the details, including the order number, dates, product quantities, totals, and more. The Price Adjustments menu on the right provides details on applied Promotions and other Discounts (company or manual).

This price adjustment information is also available when exporting the order as a PDF and on the associated order email.

Order details.

Payment and order history

If offered by the brand, go to an order and select the kabob menu to choose Payment & Order History, where you can review the order’s timeline of updates (examples: status changes, received payments, order edits, etc). You can also select an order to view the Order Details page, and then use the kabob menu to access the Payment & Order History.

Note: Brands can contact Support to activate the Payment & Order History option.

Select Payment and Order History.

On the Payment & Order History screen, updates display in order of the most recent at the top and include the user who created the order or made the edit. Select See more to review additional details regarding an update.

Note: Payment and order history logs aren’t available before November 2022.

Example payment and order history.

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Select Export from the upper-right corner to download a CSV of the orders in your current view (including line item data) for back of house use.

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