Depending on the brand, the Working Order may offer two views in the Products tab: Line Items and Sizing View. Each view offers a different approach to editing and reviewing product quantities and deliveries.
Note: If Sizing View isn't offered by the brand, the default view is Line Items, which you can learn more about in the Working Order overview. Brands can contact their Account Manager if they're interested in Sizing View.
Learn about Sizing View with the below video and the details in this article.
Note: Some visuals in the platform may have changed since the recording of this video.
Choosing a View option
From the Working Order, select the Products tab and use one or both views: Line Items or Sizing View. If your cart is empty, select the Browse Products link to start adding products.
View | Description |
Line Items | The Line Items (default) view is recommended for orders with a small number of units or when you want to see an expanded view of each product and delivery. Note: Learn more with the Working Order overview. |
Sizing View | The Sizing View is recommended for orders with a large number of products and one or multiple deliveries or when you want to see a detailed view of product information. Note: Sizing View supports bulk orders. |
Sizing View
The Sizing View offers configurable tables for reviewing items in your cart.
Reminder: If not offered by the brand, the default view is Line Items, which you can learn more about in the Working Order overview.
When there’s a notification, select the arrow icon to the left of Alerts for additional information about your order and its products, which can include details about:
- Inventory reservations.
- Quantities that exceed the available inventory.
- Auto-adjustments to quantities.
- Order minimum and maximum rules.
Use the Sizing View tables to review product details and enter quantities for each Size and Delivery. The tables are configurable.
Configure Sizing View tables
You can configure Sizing View tables in the following ways:
- Reorder columns by selecting and dragging a header.
Sort by clicking a column header. Adjust the sort by selecting the sorted header’s
arrow icon. You can also use the Sort menu on the right.
Group by a column by selecting it’s header and choosing the
Group by option. You can also manage your grouping with the right menu. Totals for groupings only display when the group contains more than one row.
- Group by Delivery with the Deliveries icon in the upper-right corner.
- Enabling this Delivery mode allows you to utilize the Delivery group along with other groupings, such as Department, Category, and more.
- When shipping to multiple locations, Delivery mode prioritizes grouping by Delivery first, and then by Location.
- Sort and Filter by Delivery with column headers or the menu options on the right.
- Grouped totals display the quantity and units based on the delivery group or selected filter.
Filter products by selecting a column’s
filter icon and checking and unchecking options. You can also use the Filters menu on the right.
- Search with the Search in cart field in the upper-right corner.
Collapse / Expand tables with the
arrow to the left of each product.
Show / Hide sizes or remove products in bulk by selecting the
checkbox for each product (or all in the main header), and then using the Actions menu in the upper right corner.
Add columns from the Columns menu on the right, where you can also sort and filter columns.
- Columns with an * asterisk are required. If the user tries to submit an order without completing a required field, that field and product are highlighted in red and the user can’t submit the order until those fields are filled out.
Note: Brands can contact Support to include required or optional custom fields as columns in Sizing View (for example, a dropdown to select a sleeve length).
Manage products
Enter quantities on the Delivery or Size level. Quantities can be entered manually or with a copy (Ctrl+C or Command+C) and paste (Ctrl+V or Command+V) values from another table. Select the kebab menu for additional options:
- Copy quantities: Copy all entered quantities of a product for that delivery.
- Paste quantities: Paste the copied quantities, regardless of size group.
- Paste quantities by size: Paste the copied quantities to related size groups.
- Paste quantities by size across cart: Paste the copied quantities for the product with the same size group across the whole cart (delivery / location).
For Locations, select the kebab menu to Duplicate quantities. In the provided modal, choose the other location(s) you want to add those duplicate quantities to, and then select Duplicate.
Select a product to go to the Product Details page. Select a product’s kebab menu to Manage deliveries, View inventory, or Remove product.
Shipping to multiple locations
When shipping to multiple locations with bulk ordering, you can use Sizing View to enter quantities by each location or for All Locations Combined.
Note: For bulk orders, removing a product removes it from all locations in your order. To keep the product in other locations, change the product order quantities to zero for the location you want the product removed.
When grouped by Location, use the Locations kebab menu to select if you want to enter quantities by All Locations Combined or by the single Location.
This option is a quick, single-click, way to activate either the All Locations combined mode or the By location mode for all products, even if there are multiple combinations of enabled options (either By Location or All Locations Combined) within a group.
If the Sizing View is grouped by Delivery, and then by Location, users are only able to change the mode for the specific delivery group.
For orders that contain products with Customizations, users can select Edit Customization to return to the customization modal.
Manage deliveries
On the product-level, you can select the kebab menu to Add, Edit, or Remove delivery. On the delivery-level (shown in the image below), you can Edit or Remove delivery.
Note: Remove delivery is inactive if there is only one Delivery. If a Delivery is no longer needed, you can remove it after adding another delivery date. Otherwise, you can just remove the product.
Edit delivery allows you to update an existing delivery date or add a new one.
When you're done, select the Order Review tab to complete your order. Learn more with the Working Order overview.
Saving Views
While you’re logged in, if you go to a screen outside of the Working Order’s Sizing View, your configurations (such as columns and filters) will remain in place when you return. However, your configurations will revert to the default if you refresh the page or log out. You can always save your configurations as a View for future use.
Build orders with your preferred visible columns, groupings, and sorting, and then save these configurations as a View for future use. Select Views from the right menu, and then Save current view. Name this view and Save. Save as many Views as you want.
Note: Filters and search criteria are not saved, as these often vary for each order.
To access your saved views (or the provided Default), select Views from the right menu, and then choose a view. You can also Update or Delete a view by selecting the kebab menu to the right of the view’s name.