Draft Orders

Draft Orders are unofficial orders-in-progress that you can save, edit, delete, send to buyers, or ultimately submit as an official order. 

Save and send

To save (or save and send) a Working Order as a draft, select Save as a Draft.

Save as a draft.

Enter a Draft Order name in the upper-left corner. Select Validate (in the lower-left corner) to confirm if the order meets any minimum or maximum requirements.

If you choose to email the Draft Order, first ensure you've selected a rep and buyer for the order. Use the provided links to return to the order details and make those edits. In the Save as Draft screen, you can enter Additional recipient(s), choose if you want to CC myself, and type a Message for the email.

To save (or save and send) the Draft Order, select Save.

Enter details, validate, and save.

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Edit and other actions

Go to the brand with the Draft Order and then select Orders from the left navigation menu. You can filter this view to Orders Status set to Draft.

Orders page.

Select a Draft Order to see its details. You can select the pencil icon to make edits or select the kabab menu icon for other actions.

Note: If applicable, Promotion details appear on Draft Orders.

Draft order details.

From the Orders page, you can also hover over a Draft Order and select the pencil icon to make edits or select the kabab menu icon for other actions.

Orders page more actions.

From the order details page or from the Orders page, choose an action:

  • Edit Order: If you choose to edit, the Draft Order becomes your Working Order and you'll be prompted to confirm if you want to Replace Cart Contents.
  • Copy: Open a duplicate in the Working Order with the same products and quantities.
  • Delete Draft: Permanently delete a Draft Order.
  • Download: Select a format to download the Draft Order.
  • View Allocation Summary: Choose at least one field (add more with the plus icon), and then select View Report. From the report results, you can choose to Export Report. Learn more with Allocation summary report.

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Submit as an order

Return to the brand with the Draft Order and select Orders from the left navigation menu. Hover over your Draft Order and select the pencil icon. As a reminder, when you select edit, the Draft Order becomes your Working Order and you'll be promoted to confirm if you want to Replace Cart Contents.

From your Working Order, review, update as needed, and then select Submit Order.

Note: If you want to add more products to your order, you can navigate away from the Working Order by selecting the X icon in the upper-right corner or Products (or another option) from the left navigation menu. Your Working Order will save and you can return to it at any time. 

Review and submit order.

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