Optimize the Working Order

Optimize the Working Order, so you can best review the items in your cart.

Note: For an overview, see Working Order overview.

Group and sort

From the standard view of the Products tab, use the Group by and Sort by options to organize your items. Group and sort when you have a lot of products in your cart and you want to streamline your display.

Group by in Order Details. Sort by in Order Details.

For example, if you grouped by Delivery and you have multiple deliveries, select the options below Grouped By: All Products (for all deliveries) or choose a specific delivery window.

Select a delivery window.

Change View

Change View displays products in a tile format. Use this display option to visually review the items in your order, as well as identify stock issues, missing quantities, or duplicate products.

Select the Change View icon (4 squares) in the upper-right corner of the Working Order.

Change View.

Group by

Use the Group by options in the upper-left corner to organize products into groups (examples: Delivery, Season, Department, etc.). You can select up to three grouping levels.

Group by.

In addition to a visual reorganization, grouping also allows you to review totals and subtotals:

  • Products: The total number of products in that grouping.
  • Units: The total number of quantities entered for the products in that grouping.
  • %Units: The percentage of quantities entered for the products in that grouping, relative to the full order. For example, this order includes 3 products, each of which has a quantity of 6. For this group’s 2 products, the equation looks like this: (6+6) / (6+6+6) = 66.7%
  • Wholesale: The wholesale price for the products in that grouping.
  • Retail: The retail price for the products in that grouping.



If offered by the brand, choose filters to display only the products in the Working Order that you want to see.

Filter options pertain to data within the Working Order. For example, the below image shows three Location options because those specific locations were chosen when sizing products in the order’s Products tab.

Note: Brands can contact our Support team to enable and configure filtering in Change View


Highlighted products

Products highlighted in Red. RED indicate that the product doesn't have enough stock available. To resolve this, either remove the product with the X icon or adjust the quantities by selecting the product (or the Back icon in the upper-left corner).

Product with red flag.

Products highlighted in Yellow. YELLOW indicate that the size quantities were left blank. To resolve this, add quantities by selecting the product (or the Back icon in the upper-left corner).

Note: You'll also get the following notification of missing quantiles when you go to the Order Review tab: Some quantities missing. This will prevent you from submitting this order. Click on the product thumbnail or the Products tab to resolve.

Product with yellow flag.

Products highlighted in Blue. BLUE indicate that you have a duplicate product with the same ship dates in your order. To resolve this, either remove one of the products with the X icon or adjust the ship dates by selecting the product (or the Back icon in the upper-left corner).

Note: You'll also get the following notification of duplicate products when you go to the Order Review tab: OOPS! You can't have the same product twice for the same ship dates. Please select a different date range.

Product with blue flag.

Order spreadsheet

Want to review your order in a spreadsheet?

Order Export Templates are helpful when you want to take your time building an order or if you prefer using a spreadsheet for complex orders. Select Export in the bottom left corner of the Working Order and follow the steps in Export and import orders.

Additional resources

Check out these articles to learn more about your Working Order:

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