Using the Payment History report, Admins can download a CSV file with information for each transaction within a specified date range.
Access the report
If you're using Lightspeed Payments, go to Payments > Payment History.
If you're using NuORDER Payments, go to Payments > Payments Dashboard, select Download Report in the upper-right corner, and choose Payment history.
Note: You can also access this report from Settings > Brand Admin > Settings > Payment History.
Download the report
Select the Start Date and End Date for your report.
When selecting a date range, all captures against prior authorizations must include the date of the authorization in the Start Date because they are considered paired transactions. For example, if an authorization occurred on January 1 and the capture on January 3, then the start date should be January 1 or earlier.
To download the Payment History report, select Export.
The CSV file contains the following columns:
Note: Keep in mind that the Payment History report does not include fees.