Track and manage your payments

With Lightspeed Payments and NuORDER Payments, it’s easy to manage day-to-day transactions and complete your end of month reconciliation. After you sign up for one of these services, you can track and manage all payment activity in the Payments tab of your account.

The Payments tab is accessible from the left navigation menu. NuORDER Payments and Lightspeed Payments offer different pages.

Lightspeed Payments

Lightspeed Payments.

If you're using Lightspeed Payments, choose Transactions and Deposits or Payment History.

Page Description
Transactions and Deposits View and create custom exports of your transactions and deposits.
Payment History Select Payment History to export a CSV report with your gateway activity. This report doesn't include fees.

Note: If you're migrating from NuORDER Payments to Lightspeed Payments, NuORDER Payments reports can be found under Historical Payments from the left navigation menu.

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NuORDER Payments

NuORDER Payments.

Select Payments to be sent directly to the Payments Dashboard or hover over the tab to access the available pages: 

Page Description
Payments Dashboard The Payments Dashboard visualizes data and high-level statistics on every sale completed in your account with NuORDER Payments. 
Monthly Statements Use Monthly Statements to export a spreadsheet summarizing all transactions completed in a given month. Within each spreadsheet, you can view an overall summary of transactions, charges by card type, the daily aggregate, and settlements.
Chargebacks and Reversals Select Chargebacks and Reversals to track, dispute, and review any chargebacks.
Daily Deposited Transactions Choose Daily Deposited Transactions for a list of all transactions on a given day that have been settled to your bank account.


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