Working Order FAQ for buyers

Submit orders by following the steps outlined in Working order overview and see the below FAQ

Q: Can I add a product multiple times in one order?

A: Yes. Within the Products tab of the Working Order, select Add Product Again to the right of an item.

Q: Can I add notes to orders?

A: Yes. Within the Order Details tab of the Working Order, you can add Notes for the entire order. If you want to add a note for individual products, go to the Products tab and select Add Notes (located below sizes) for each product.

Q: How can I quickly see if there are issues with any products in my order?

A: The Change View displays products in a small tile format and makes it easier to identify stock issues, missing quantities, or duplicate products. You can adjust the Working Order view by selecting the Change View icon (4 squares) in the upper-right corner. Learn more with Optimize the Working Order.

Q: Can I adjust the price of a product on an order?

A: Brands have the option to allow reps to override pricing in the Working Order. If enabled, select the pencil icon by the Wholesale Price in the Products tab.

Edit price.

Q: If there's a discount on the order and for a product, what happens?

A: If you add a discount in the Order Details tab and a discount for an item in the Products tab, then the product-level discount will override the full order discount. Learn more with Order discounts.

Q: Can I visually review the products in the Working Order?

A: Yes. Select the Change View icon (4 squares) in the upper-right corner of the Working Order to visually review your order’s products, which can be filtered and grouped. Learn more with Optimize the Working Order.

Q: Can I group and filter the products in my cart?

Examples: Group by door, filter by door, only show products in a certain department.

A: Yes. Select the Change View icon (4 squares) in the upper-right corner of the Working Order and choose grouping and filtering options. Learn more with Optimize the Working Order. Alternatively, if offered by the brand, select the Sizing View in the Products tab to group, filter, and more. Learn more with Sizing View in the Working Order (beta).

Q: How can I clear my cart?

A: Clear your cart by selecting the trash icon in the upper-right corner of any tab of the Working Order. Clearing your cart removes all products and order details (for example, Company, Notes, Discount, etc.). Otherwise, to remove individual products, while retaining order details, select the trash icon to the right of a product in the Products tab.

Clear cart.

Q: Why am I receiving an error that my order hasn't met the requirements?

A: Some brands implement min/max rules for orders. For example, a specialty product may have a cap of 2 per order. Check the Products tab of the Working Order for details about the missing requirement. If you're unsure of a specific restriction, contact your Sales Rep.

Error message.

Note: If you try to submit the order without meeting the requirements, you'll be prompted to update the order. 

Error message.

Q: Why is there a dash and a number at the end of my order number?

A: When a brand sets up Order Splitting rules, your orders may split into multiple orders, based on specific criteria (examples: Ship Start, Ship End, Season, Department, or Warehouse). Split orders add a dash and a number to the end of order numbers. Learn more with Order splitting.

Q: If there is an order splitting rule, as well as an order minimum rule, does the minimum rule apply to the full order total or to each split order total?

A: Min and max rules apply to each split order. For example, let's say your ERP has an order minimum of $500 and you're working on an order that will be split into three orders, each three months apart. The ERP considers each of these split orders as a distinct order, and the $500 minimum requirement must be met for each.

Q: Why is it saying I haven’t met the minimum order requirements set by the brand when my total exceeds that minimum?

This is most likely due Order Splitting rules set up by the Brand. When Order Splitting is enabled, the order minimum requirements apply to each Split Order individually, instead of applying to all items in your Working Order. Most commonly Order Splitting rules are based off of each Delivery Window, so we would advise adding more products under each separate delivery window to meet the set requirements. You can contact your Sales Rep for more information about the Order Splitting and minimum/maximum rules set up by the brand.

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