Terms and conditions

To ensure buyers review and agree to specific terms of service before accessing your NuORDER portal and before placing an order, admins can create custom usage terms and conditions that buyers must accept.


From the left navigation menu, go to Settings > Brand Admin > Settings > Usage Terms and Conditions. Enter a Terms Name and your custom usage terms and conditions in the provided text fields.

Note: There isn't a character limit. If needed, the Terms and Conditions section will extend to additional pages on the order PDF.

Enter terms and conditions.

As you add content, toggle between Preview and Write, so you can see how the terms and conditions will appear to buyers and make any necessary changes. The Preview Modal (image below) provides a separate window display with the associated text and buttons.


When you’ve finished creating your usage terms and conditions, select Save to activate them for your account.


To deactivate terms and conditions, return to Settings > Brand Admin > Settings > Usage Terms and Conditions. Delete the terms and conditions content and then Save.


When activated, NuORDER ensures that any buyer visiting your portal must accept these terms and conditions. If the buyer doesn't accept the terms and conditions, they can't access your portal or view any assets within your portal requiring a login (examples: Linesheet or EZ Order). If a buyer has previously agreed to usage terms and conditions for your account, they will still need to accept any new usage terms and conditions added to your account.

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