Understanding payment settlement dates

Settlement dates depend on when the transaction occurred and which Payments platform you're using, as well as the associated credit card and the timing of potentially impactful events.

Typical settlement dates

For Visa, Mastercard, and Diner's Club/JCP cards, NuORDER Payments and Lightspeed Payments use T+1 settlement dates. That means that payment typically appears in your bank account 1 business day after the transaction is completed.

(T+1) examples:

  • If a transaction occurs on a Wednesday, it will likely be deposited on Thursday.
  • If a transaction occurs on a Friday, it will likely be deposited the following Monday.

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American Express settlement dates

For American Express cards, may take slightly longer for a transaction to settle and be deposited into your bank account. Typically, American Express cards require 5 or more business days for a transaction to be deposited.

If you’re having trouble finding a specific deposit during your daily and monthly reconciliations, we recommend reviewing the card type used in each order. Oftentimes, this may explain why a certain payment is delayed. If you’re still unable to locate a specific order, reach out to our team for assistance.

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Events that can impact settlement dates

There are a few circumstances in which the typical settlement date may be delayed.

Bank holidays

For transactions that occur on a day that banks are closed for a holiday, expect an additional business day for processing.

If you don't see a deposit after the additional full business day, then contact heroes@nuorder.com for assistance.

Transactions completed after cutoff time

When compiling the transactions included in a daily deposit, we'll include all transactions made prior to the cutoff time on the following day.

  • NuORDER Payments: 2:00 AM PT cutoff time.
  • Lightspeed Payments: 3:00 AM PT cutoff time.

Bank deposit failure

While we send instructions for deposits directly to the bank, it's possible for some exceptions to occur that may lead to the bank rejecting the deposit. If we receive a rejection notification, we retry the deposit, which in turn can delay the deposit by 1 additional business day.

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