Export and import orders into the Working Order

Import your order by uploading an Order Export Template into a Working Order. Order Export Templates are helpful when you want to take your time building an order or if you prefer using a spreadsheet for complex orders.

Note: Brand admins control the list and configuration of Order Export Templates.

Exporting an order spreadsheet

You can download an Order Export Template from your Working Order, an order confirmation email, linesheets, or custom lists.

Working order

To include products in your order spreadsheet, add them to your cart. If there are no items in your cart, then the exported order spreadsheet will be blank.

Navigate to your Working Order. Some templates include an Allocation Summary with company data fields. To populate these fields, select a Company in the Order Details tab.

Select Export in the lower-left corner of your Working Order. Choose your preferred spreadsheet format from the list of provided options.

Export from a Working Order.

If the brand has enabled order splitting rules or bulk orders for separate deliveries, then use a template with the Vertical Multiple Deliveries format to enter quantities for each delivery.

You can use the Vertical Multiple Deliveries template’s Order Details tab to review the PO Number and address for each delivery. After uploading the file, the PO numbers and product quantities appear for each delivery on the Order Review tab.

Order export template with PO numbers.

Order confirmation

When a buyer receives an order confirmation email, they can select Order XLS to download an Order Export Template.

Order XLS from an order confirmation email.

Linesheets and custom lists

Some templates include an Allocation Summary with company data fields. To populate these fields, select a company to View As before you export the template from a linesheet or custom list.

View As.

From a linesheet or custom list, select Download. In the pop-up screen, select XLS Order Form as the format, choose a XLS Template, make any additional configurations, and then select Download.

Export options.

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Populating an order spreadsheet

Enter options and quantities for products in one or more delivery window(s).

Enter options (optional)

If products in your order include options (examples: button type, lining material, lapel style, etc.), then select those options, using the provided dropdown menu in the cells marked Not Selected. If you already made option choices in your working order before exporting the order template, then you can either keep those selections or make changes.

Note: Not all template formats offer a dropdown menu for options.

Enter quantities

Depending on the template format, your order spreadsheet lists products on one tab (grouped or ungrouped) or on multiple tabs (by attribute).

Example 1: This order has one delivery window with quantities entered in the Qty column.

Order example 1.

Example 2: This order shows products grouped by Category and has one delivery window with quantities entered in the Delivery 1 column. 

Order example 2.

Example 3: This order has multiple delivery windows with quantities entered in the columns Delivery 1, Delivery 2, etc.

Order example 3.

Example 4: This order shows a list of products with quantities entered in the columns for each delivery window (determined by the brand's inventory Replenishment Date). When a product size doesn’t have planned inventory for a date, then that cell is gray and inactive.

Order example 4.

Order Details

If your order includes multiple ship windows, use the Order Details tab to specify Ship To Address(es), Ship Start, Ship End, and PO Numbers (if applicable).

Order Details tab on exported template.


If configured for your order template, the Summary tab shows totals and an Allocation Summary, where you can review your order in aggregate. The below is an example configuration, which also includes separate tabs for each product category.

Example Summary tab on an Order Export Template.

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Importing an order spreadsheet

To upload an order spreadsheet, return to your Working Order in NuORDER and select Import from the lower-left corner of the screen.

Import button on Working Order.

From the Upload prompt, drag-and-drop your file to import. All product templates are listed here, with the minimum required fields noted in bold (example: Season, Color, Style Number). Upload the exported template or your own custom template, including all template requirements.

If you'd like the upload to ignore products with no quantity in the spreadsheet, then toggle on that option.

Order Upload screen.

When the import completes, you'll receive a message specifying a successful upload or if there were errors. For example, if you imported a file with products that don’t match the order’s currency, you’ll receive a list of those rows with products that won’t be added to the order.

Import message.

Template requirements

Any spreadsheet (an export template or a custom spreadsheet) can be imported as long as:

  • The columns in the file match the minimum required fields (bolded in the list)
  • All upload data is in the first tab of the workbook.
  • If including dates, they must be entered in the format MM/DD/YYYY.
  • To include a quantity, also include Size or a size level identifier, like UPC.

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Q: How do I upload products with shipment dates?

A: To add the shipment date, include the Ship Start and Ship End dates.

Q: Can I import an order file that's locked?

A: If you have a locked file, it can still be uploaded. Likely the order was locked initially, because it was submitted / updated by a two-way integration.

Q: How can I avoid double entry when importing / exporting orders?

A: To avoid double order entries, it is best practice to export and import from the working order you wish to update and to follow the steps outlined in How to avoid double entry when importing/ exporting orders.

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