Upload product images in bulk

Drag and drop up to 1,000 images at a time using NuORDER's bulk image uploader.

Initial set up

Before you upload images, first upload product data for that image set and confirm that your image files are named according to your naming convention. This initial set up ensures that uploaded files automatically link to the right product(s).

Also, see Image guidelines with the requirements for image files.

Upload images

From the left navigation menu, go to Settings > Brand Admin > Imagery & Media > Product Images.

On the Product Image Upload screen, review the image specifications (also available in Image guidelines). 

Product image upload screen.

To upload, drag and drop files from your computer into the Drag your files here section. Alternatively, select click here in that same section to select files.

Tip: If an image doesn't link to a product after the upload, check if there was a typo in the name or if the product data doesn't yet exist for that image.

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