Upload product media files manually

Images, 3D images, 360 images, and videos are essential to showcasing your products in their best light. Add media fields to products manually or via a bulk upload.

Example images on a product.

Tip: Check out our Product images overview to learn more about showcasing product media.

Manually add media files

To manually upload media files, navigate to the associated product and select the ellipsis icon in the lower-right corner of the display image.

Manually add media on a product.

Choose Upload 360 images, Upload 3D images, Upload video, or Upload product images.

Review the provided specifications, which are different for each media file type (examples: maximum file size, minimum image/video dimensions, etc.). After verifying that your file meets the requirements, drag and drop the file into the Drag your image files here section.

Tip: To better prepare your upload, we also recommend reviewing our upload requirements and recommendations.

Example file requirements.

After the image or video has fully uploaded, select Save

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