Size your assortment automatically using pre-loaded size curves

If your organization allocates by size, NuORDER can automate that allocation process for you in a quick two-step process so that you can easily size your entire assortment!   

This article focuses on an introduction to automated sizing and an overview of the process. To learn more about manually adjusting sizes and units, see here. To learn more about resolving sizing errors in your assortment, see here


Overview of sizing setup

NuORDER will work with each retailer that will be sizing in the Assortments tool to ingest sizing data and size curves and configure how these curves should be applied. Your retailer will determine which fields will be required as inputs in the size curve lookup, such as Department #, Class #, Vendor #, etc.

Once you have entered the required inputs per your retailer’s set up and have written your bulk units, the following sizing process will distribute those bulk units down to the size level for each product in an assortment across every door that was written.

Step #1: Look up size ranges against pre-set size curves

The first action in the sizing process allows you to perform a lookup to Find Size Ranges using your retailer’s size curve data to find a match to the Vendor Sizes

  1. Make sure you have filled out the required fields, such as Dept #, and have entered your bulk door units
  2. Open the menu in the upper right corner
  3. Select Find Size Ranges

Once you select this action, you’ll see each product row update one-by-one. Relevant Assortment fields for this step are:

  • Vendor Sizes - read-only, reflects the brand’s available size run for each product
  • Selected Sizes - defaults to blank and will populate with the results of the lookup after you select Find Size Ranges. This is editable after it populates and it is where you will choose which sizes you want to buy for each product.
  • Sizing Lookup - defaults to blank and will populate with a status to indicate where the Selected Sizes came from. Possible statuses are:
    • Vendor Matched (Success! Each of your Selected Sizes matches a Vendor-offered size)
    • Error (There was an issue in the Find Size Range lookup)
    • Manual (You have changed or manually adjusted the Selected Sizes)

Note: This step is not required for products that have Vendor Size = "ONE SIZE". For these products, your Selected Sizes will automatically populate to also equal "ONE SIZE".

Step #2: Allocate units per size/door based on auto-matched size curves

The second step of the sizing process will find and apply a matching size curve for each product to distribute the bulk door units down to the size level.

  1. Make sure you have already followed the above steps to populate Selected Sizes
  2. Open the menu in the upper right corner
  3. Select Apply Size Curves

Once you select this action, you’ll see each product row update one-by-one. Relevant Assortment fields for this step are:

  • Size Curve - defaults to blank and will populate with the matched curve name after you select Apply Size Curves
  • Sizing Status - defaults to blank and will populate with a status to indicate whether or not the product was successfully sized. Possible statuses are:
    • None (There are no size units for this product, it has not yet been sized or sizes have been cleared out)
    • Sized (Success! This product was successfully auto-sized)
    • Error (There was an issue in the Apply Size Curves lookup or an issue was created at the size-level)
    • Manual (You have changed or manually adjusted the size units)
    • Partial (A manually added size that was not a part of the size curve received zero (0) units from the auto-sizing process)

Note: When Manage Distribution is enabled, you can select Apply size curves > Select doors in addition to the existing flow of sizing at the same time.  Applying size curves to Selected doors only will only allocate sizes for the Doors, Deliveries, and Attributes that are visible on the Assortment Grid, allowing you to preserve the allocation in Doors that are hidden

Note: This step is not required for ONE SIZE products. For these products, your bulk door units will automatically copy into your ONE SIZE size units.

If the Vendor Size contains one value then the Selected Size will automatically populate with that value. This helps you avoid having to manually select sizes or use the Find size ranges feature. 

Additionally, if the Selected Size field contains one value, the bulk units will copy into size units automatically, so there is no need to manually copy them or utilize size curves to allocate. 

View and edit sizing details in the Cart Details Page

Once a product row has been sized, you can see the details of how the bulk units were allocated across each size for each door by clicking on the product image and opening the Cart Details Page (CDP).

All relevant sizing fields will be visible underneath the image within the CDP. Below those fields, you will find the new sizing table that shows you the number of units per size, per door, per delivery for this product and how these size units roll up and compare to the bulk units that you initially entered in the Grid. To learn more about modifying the units in a size/door, see here.


Stay in your assortment while the sizing is in progress

Depending on the number of products, sizes, doors, and deliveries in your assortment, the actions to "Find Size Ranges" and "Apply Size Curves" may take a minute or so to complete. (Note: If you have your assortment filtered, these bulk sizing actions will apply to the entire assortment unless you specifically select the visible items.)

To make sure the process can finish seamlessly, you will see an alert if you attempt to exit the assortment or navigate away while the sizing is in progress. 


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