Reallocate units and balance size bulks

Given your intent to buy was likely shared with the vendor immediately post-market, when the time comes to submit your final order there may be some redistribution and reallocation that is needed based on the latest strategies, trends, and selling data. 

Adjust units and reallocate

Within the assortment where you've previously captured size bulks, you’ll be able to refer back to those units as you make any necessary adjustments.

  1. Reopen your original assortment with captured size bulks. 
  2. Adjust your units per door or per size. 
    • Make sure you are still ordering the right number of units per product by referencing your Captured Bulks column and using that to dictate your new Total Units.
  3. Reallocate by opening your menu and clicking Apply Size Curves to distribute your new bulk units by size.
  4. Resolve any sizing errors that result from allocation.

Review errors

If the size bulks allocated across each door do not add up to the total size units that you previously committed to when you captured your intent, you’ll see an error message at the top of your assortment grid. 

  1. Go to the Review tab.
  2. Use the carrot to the right of the error message to see which products in your assortment are out of sync. 
    • You can minimize this box at any time by clicking on the carrot again.
  3. Click on one of the errored products to populate the Doors by Product template so you can view the size units by door for that product.
  4. Click on the Show comparison toggle to show an additional row in the table called Original Total. This row contains the size bulks that were captured when you tagged your committed version so you can compare your current units.

In the Total row, you’ll notice that any total size bulks that are different from your captured size bulks will be highlighted in red. This will help you easily identify which sizes you need to balance.



Balancing size bulks manually

To balance the size bulks manually, simply update the number of size units allocated to your doors in the column of any affected size. Once the Total aligns with your Original Total, you’ve resolved the error and the red highlight in that size column will disappear. And once all sizes for that product have been resolved, the product will disappear from the error message at the top of the screen.

Remember to make sure your size bulks still align with your door bulks for each location after making changes. 

Note: Rebalancing feature is only for products ordered in Eaches. Manually changing units at the size level for products ordered in packs will result in breaking the pack ratio.

Balancing size bulks automatically

NuORDER also offers a simple solution that lets you automatically balance your size bulks for all products in just a few clicks.

To balance your size bulks automatically, click the Balance button near the top right of your assortment. You can choose to either Balance this product only, which will resolve errors for the product you’ve selected in the template, or Balance all products with errors, which will adjust all products that have errors at the same time without requiring you review them one-by-one.

Balancing automatically uses our custom algorithm to smooth out the size bulks for a product across doors and get you back to your Original Total. While balancing, the algorithm makes sure your door bulks are still being met and uses your size curves to determine the best way to adjust your units.


Note: Balancing automatically may not be possible in select scenarios, such as when:

  • Your selected product’s Captured Bulks do not match the new Total bulks
  • Your selected product is missing a size curve
  • Your selected product had a sizing error when initially captured
  • You selected product is ordered in packs

In these cases where the algorithm is unable to run, you will either be prevented from selecting the Balance link, or you will receive a pop-up message noting that some errors still exist for your product(s). Check your product to resolve any of the above scenarios so that you can try to balance automatically again, or balance manually.

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