Overview of sizing setup
For retailers that are configured to use this feature, assortment sizing functionality is now able to support allocating units for products that come in a size pack variation. In addition to sizing in Eaches (individual sizes and units), NuORDER now also supports products that come in: Order Multiples (a bundle of “one size” products), Pre-packs (a collection of sizes in a set ratio), and Case Packs (a collection of sizes in a set ratio that are grouped under a master UPC).
In order to get pack information from vendors into your assortment, your brand partners must:
Create size packs within NuORDER - Each pack created will include the following information:
- Pack Type (Pre-pack, Case pack, or Order Multiple)
- Pack Name
- Size Ratio (sizes and units-per-size)
- Case Pack UPC, if applicable
- Associate size packs to products - Brands associating pack(s) to a product enables you to use that pack for allocating once you add the product to your assortment.
Use new sizing fields to make your pack selections
In addition to the existing sizing columns and steps you use today, you’ll have access to new pack-related fields within your assortment that enable you to size with these packs:
Pack Notes are notes that come from the brand to let you know which products come in packs and how they need to be ordered.
Pack Type displays the sizing variant(s) that each product is available in.
- All products default to Eaches, so non-pack products won’t require any additional steps. But for products that come in a pack, users will see those options within the dropdown and can select the appropriate type.
- The selection in this field will determine which sizing logic is used when you Apply Size Curves.
Selected Packs will populate with the names of packs that are available for that product.
- By default, all packs will be selected but you can override these selections. The packs you choose here will be used in the allocation process for that product.
View available packs per product within the Cart Details Page
Based on how the brand named their packs, you may not immediately know what sizes and unit ratios are contained within each. At the bottom of the Cart Details Page (CDP) Sizing tab, the new Available Packs table will show you which pack(s) are associated with the selected products.
Pack details are listed in the table to outline each pack ratio so you can make an informed decision about which packs to select and use in your sizing.
Allocate and optimize based on the pack(s) you select for each product
For retailers that are configured to use size packs, an updated sizing algorithm has been introduced to allocate units that align with pack constraints (pack ratios). Products that have either Pre-pack, Case pack, or Order Multiple selected as their Pack Type will use this new logic. All other products where Pack Type is Eaches will use the existing sizing logic with no changes or additional steps.
In order to size, follow the same sizing steps that exist today to Find Size Ranges and Apply Size Curves.
- If a single pack is chosen in the Selected Packs column, the sizes and unit ratio of that pack will be used to allocate your bulks.
- If multiple packs are selected, the logic will optimize your results to find the best combination of packs per door. The goal of the algorithm in this scenario is to get as close as possible to each door’s size curve.
After you’ve sized, you’ll see the Pack Results column populate with the output of the sizing algorithm. This field will display which pack(s) were used in optimization, as well as how many of each. The format of the results follows this pattern:
Total quantity of all packs, i.e. (20) TTL
- Comma-separated list of pack names and quantity ordered, i.e. “6EB” : (2), or “XS-L, 1-2-2-1” : (3)
Automatically match your bulks to your size units
Because this sizing logic is required to abide by strict pack constraints for each product, it’s possible that the bulk units written will not align with the size units that resulted from allocation. The algorithm will result in size units that fit within the designated tolerance, but may not match your bulks exactly. In this case, you’ll see an Error in the Sizing Status column that says "Bulk units do not align with pack constraints."
For these products, you will also be prevented from manually editing the size units in order to preserve the pack constraints. To resolve the error you can manually adjust the bulk units to align with your size units, or you can use the menu option Accept Pack Units to do so automatically. Access this menu option from within the CDP, or resolve multiple product errors at once by selecting the products from the grid and opening the bulk-select kabob menu at the top of the screen.