Exporting item data from an assortment

Buyers can export assortment data from NuORDER to be picked up and ingested into their internal systems with just a few clicks. Specifically, it’s possible to export data for item creation and for Purchase Order (PO) creation

Exporting item data

To create an export of item data in an assortment, first select the items you wish to export. If you want to export every item, check Select All at the top of the Image column.

Next, click on the kabob menu in the top-right corner of your assortment. In the Export Items/POs section of the list, you'll see three options: Validate item data, Validate PO data, and Export Item/PO data. 

Before exporting item or PO data, we highly recommend validating the data within your assortment. In doing so, you can make sure your data is complete and accurate. Then, when you’re ready to export your data, you won’t need to spend any additional time resolving open issues.

After validating your item data, click Export Item/PO data to continue.


In the window that appears, you can select which export type you would like to initiate. Click the option to Create Items then click Next.


Once you select export, NuORDER will automatically re-run your item data validation for the items you’ve selected. If successful, your export will be automatically generated and sent to your merchant for ingestion 

If an item has errors during validation then it won’t be included in the export. However, any item without errors (e.g. any item successfully validated) will be exported immediately. After fixing any errors previously caught by validation, select only items that required corrections and repeat the export process for those specific items to ensure they’re also exported.


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