Review your assortment items in detail

Reviewing your selections in detail is a critical part of the process, whether during style out, sizing the order, or identifying submissions for marketing stories.

Carousel arrows allow you to cycle through each item in the assortment in the larger "item details" modal to review larger images, size level units per door, and other details in the full screen product view.

To review your items one by one in detail

1. From either the Grid or Tile view of your assortment, click on an item's thumbnail to launch the full-screen detail modal. 


2. When the modal is open, you'll see arrows pointing forward and back. Click an arrow to view the next or previous item.


If your assortment is filtered or sorted, the next/previous item in the cycle will reflect that arrangement.

3. When you reach the end of your assortment items, the arrow will be grayed out and you will not be able to go further in that direction.


4. When you have finished reviewing, click the X to close the modal and go back to your assortment view.

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