Review daily deposited transactions

Review all of the settled (i.e. deposited) transactions for a selected date with NuORDER Payments, using the Daily Deposited Transactions report.

Note: If you're using Lightspeed Payments, check out Review transactions and deposits.

Access daily deposited transactions report

From the left navigation menu, go to Payments > Daily Deposited Transactions.

Payments menu.

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Review your report

The Daily Deposited Transactions report displays all of the transactions completed on today's date (default). To choose another day, use the Select Date field in the upper-right corner.

Note: See Things to keep in mind for details on when completed transactions display in this report.

If you have multiple currencies with NuORDER Payments, use the Select Account dropdown menu in the upper-left corner to view the daily deposited transactions for another currency.

You can also select Download to export the chosen date's transaction data as a CSV file.

Each daily report includes:

  • Transaction ID#: A unique transaction number assigned by the NuORDER Payments gateway.
  • Order Number: The order's ID number in NuORDER. Select the order number to view the order details.
  • Transaction Date: The date the transaction occurred.
  • Payee Email: The email account of the user who paid for the order.
  • Company Name: The company name associated with that order.
  • Total Gross: Total amount of the transaction (prior to the deduction of fees).
  • Fees: Total monetary value of fees deducted from the gross. Deductions are red.
  • Refund: Total monetary value of a refund within a specific transaction. Deductions are red.
  • Settled: Total monetary value of an individual transaction, as part of the aggregate to be deposited to your bank. If the settled amount is a deduction, it'll be red.

Daily deposted transactions.

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Things to keep in mind

Keep these things in mind when reviewing your Daily Deposited Transactions report.

When completed transactions display

Because NuORDER Payments leverages T+1 trade settlement dates for most credit and debit cards, settlements will often appear in your daily deposited transactions 1 or more days after the initial order.

For example, if an order is completed on 12/1, the transaction is likely to be viewable in the report for 12/2, after the payment has settled. There can be a longer delay, depending on the card used.

Daily versus monthly reconciliation

We recommend treating your daily captured transactions as a good day-to-day estimate of the orders being completed in your account. However, as some fees may not be deducted until the end of the month, your monthly statements are the best source to use for any end of month reconciliation.

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