Product colors restrictions

Products with the same style number will be grouped together if the "Grouped Products" preference setting is turned on in your portal.

You can also have your products be grouped together based on your selected additional product field, through our management brand preferences setting: Product Colors Restrictions.

When this setting is configured, you'll have the ability to restrict what is shown in the carousel (i.e. restricting by season and style number). 

Once this is set up, products with the same style number + your additional product field (e.g: season) will be grouped together in the carousel view of the product details panel. 



How to Set This Up: 

Contact your Account Manager or our Support team.


In the left navigation menu, select Settings > Brand Management > Brand Settings > Preferences.

Under Preferences, find the Product Color Restrictions toggle. Once there, select a desired field from the product data that is going to grouped together. (See image below).


To save, you will need to scroll to the very bottom of the page and select Save.

Once you refresh your page, your products will now be grouped together. 

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