Configure Order Export Templates (for brands)

Brand admins can customize Order Export Templates. Buyers export and use the available templates to upload order details.

Access and create templates

To review and update Order Export Templates, go to Brand Admin and select Order Export Templates in Settings.

If you don’t see Order Export Templates in Settings, contact our Support team at to have it added.

Brand Admin option for Order Export Templates.

NuORDER offers some standard templates:

  • Horizontal XLS w/ Size & Qty Headers (images) - default
  • Horizontal XLS w/ Size Headers (images)
  • Vertical XLS (Images)
  • Vertical XLS w/ Delivery Windows (Image)
  • UPC/Size - displays if UPC is a size level field in brand portal

Make a preferred template the Default with the ellipsis icon. Select a template to see how it’s configured and to make changes. Select Create New to build a new template.

Note: When editing or creating a template, changes are saved automatically.

Working order export templates and the Create New option.

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Template name

If you’re creating a new template, rename it from the default name of Untitled Template.

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Export format

Select an Export format. Contact Support if you want to use an export format not included in your portal.

Export format.

Tip: If any of your products include options (examples: button type, lining material, lapel style, etc.), then select a Vertical template to display a dropdown menu in those cells for buyers.


Select this format to display one product size per row.

Expand for an example


Vertical Multiple Deliveries

Select this format if you use order splitting rules or ship to multiple doors with bulk ordering. Note that you can update the PO numbers and location(s) for each delivery in this order export file.

Expand for an example

Vertical multiple deliveries.

Order details tab.

Vertical w/ Replenishments for Deliveries

Select this format if you use Replenishments to update your inventory and you want to offer those as delivery windows in the export file.

Expand for an example

Vertical with replenishments for deliveries.

Horizontal XLS w/ Size & Qty Headers

Select this format to display one product per row with size and quantity column headers.

Expand for an example

Horizontal XLS with size and quanitity headers.

Horizontal XLS w/ Size Headers

Select this format to display one product per row with size column headers.

Expand for an example

Horizontal XLS with size headers.

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Product identifier

Select a Product Identifier. We recommend using Style Number, Season, Color, because this creates a unique combination. Another common option is UPC (if the brand has UPC uploaded).

Product identifier options.

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Columns to freeze

Enter the number of Columns to Freeze for ease of reviewing order details while scrolling. If you don't want to freeze columns, leave this field blank.

Columns to freeze field.

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Toggle on or off the below options:

  • Include Inventory includes available inventory units on the order form.
  • Show Inventory Quantity On The Same Row is an option that displays if Include Inventory is selected. This option is only designed for templates in Vertical format.
  • Active activates the template. Make sure this is turned off when you're creating a new template.
  • Locked protects the Excel file from changes.

Order export template toggles.

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Line items options

To include fields as columns in your export, select Add new field and then use the dropdown to choose a field. The list of available fields are product data fields only. Select a field in the left column to rename it or click and drag a field to reorder it. Select the trash icon to remove a field.

If you'd like to offer multiple currencies in the Order Export Template, contact our Support team to activate this brand preference, and then add these fields: Wholesale and M.S.R.P.

Note: In the below example, Style Number, Season, and Color can’t be removed, because Style Number, Season, Color was selected as the Product Identifier.

Line item options.

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Summary options

Add, rename, and remove fields for the Summary tab of the export. Buyers use the Summary tab to review their order.

Note: Content in the Summary tab is read-only and will not be imported.

Summary options.

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Use the options in the Rollup section to select up to 2 order or company data fields to generate an Allocation Summary table in the Summary tab.

Rollup options.

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Product grouping

Select a Product Grouping option:

Product grouping Description
All products in one tab This option displays all products, ungrouped, in one tab.

Use this option when your buyers want to see all products in one tab and they prefer to keep the summary totals separate.
Split products by attribute This option distributes products across multiple tabs, based on the selected attribute.

Use this option when your buyers order for different attributes.

For example, if the attribute is Category, then the export includes a separate tab for each Category (such as Accessories, Shoes, etc.). Buyers can work from the same order spreadsheet at the same time and review only the products related to their category. The buyer who orders accessories will work from the Accessories tab, while the buyer who orders shoes will work from the Shoes tab, etc.
Group products in one tab This option displays all products, grouped by the selected attribute, in one tab, including order totals in the top rows of that tab.

Use this option when your buyers want to see the full order (including a running summary of totals) in one place with products of the same attribute grouped together.


Product grouping selections.

The below example shows Product Grouping with Split products by attribute and Category selected, so there are separate tabs for each Category (in this case, Protection and Climbing). This example also shows totals and an Allocation Summary in the Summary tab.

Example file showing Product Grouping with Split products by attribute.

The below example shows a template set to Group products in one tab, which includes order totals at the top.

Example file showing Product Grouping with Group products in one tab.

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Activating and next steps

As you make changes, the template saves automatically. When you’re ready to use your template, return to the toggle options and turn on Active.

Next Steps: Importing and exporting order spreadsheets details how to export, populate, and import an Order Export Template into a Working Order.

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