Working Order FAQ for brands

Q: Can I set restrictions for orders, such as a specialty product may have a cap of 2 per order?

A. Yes. Order min and max rules allow you to set requirements for orders. You can configure complex rules, including impacted customer(s), the restriction type (minimum, maximum, multiples of, or mandatory buys), and more. 

Q: Is it possible to auto-populate quantities for styles set under a min/max rule for multiples of?

A: Yes. If you'd like min/max rules to automatically populate the required quantity in multiples a customer can add for a style, contact our Support team. For example, if a min/max rule for multiples of 12 is set, those styles will automatically be set to 12 when added to the Working Order, and then automatically jump to the next multiple of 12, depending on the buyer's input. 

Q: Can I have Split Order rules and Promotions?

A: Yes. See Promotions on Split Orders and Promotions FAQ.


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