Order confirmation terms and conditions

Use order confirmation terms and conditions to assign order terms and conditions at the company level and to track which orders are signed. Consider including terms and conditions for different regions, languages, or companies with unique requirements.

Note: Contact Support to activate order confirmation terms and conditions.


The Order Confirmation feature appends an order's exported PDF with the Terms and Conditions file assigned to the company. The brand can then denote if the terms were signed for that order.

Because Terms and Conditions can vary for each country, the order's exported PDF doesn't include the brand's address in the footer. As a best practice, the Terms and Conditions file should include the brand's address that is associated with those terms.

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Manage order confirmation terms and conditions

From the left navigation menu, go to Settings > Brand Admin > Settings > Order Settings.

Use the options in the Order confirmation terms and conditions section to add, rename the ID, delete, replace, or download terms and conditions.

Order Confirmation Terms and Conditions.

Associated Companies

The Associated Companies column provides the number of companies assigned to the terms and conditions file. Consider this number before deleting or replacing a file.


To add one or more terms and conditions file(s), select Add order terms and conditions, and then upload the file(s) based on the provided requirements:

  • Accepted file type: PDF.
  • Maximum file size: 500KB.
  • Select up to 20 files per upload.

Note: After uploading file(s), go to Contacts to assign the terms and conditions to the company. See the Assign to companies section of this article for details.

Add order confirmation terms and conditions.


When the terms and conditions file is uploaded, it's assigned an auto-generated Order Confirmation Terms identifier, consisting of numbers and letters (for example, 4YHUD). So that you can more easily identify files when assigning them to companies, select Rename and enter a unique ID or name.


Keep in mind that this Order Confirmation Term is used as a quick reference when assigning the file to a company.

Edit Company.


In the Actions column, select Delete. Deleting a terms and conditions file also removes it from all associated companies. As a reminder, consider the number in the Associated Companies column before deleting a file.


In the Actions column, select Replace. When replacing a terms and conditions file, upload one PDF file with a maximum file size of 500KB. Replacing a terms and conditions file will also replace it on all associated companies.

When replacing a file, the Order Confirmation Terms identifier is retained; only the file and File name are updated. As a reminder, consider the number in the Associated Companies column before replacing a file.



To download the order terms and conditions PDF file, select Download in the Actions column. 

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Assign to companies

From the left navigation menu, go to Contacts. Select the pencil icon for a company, and then use the Order Confirmation Terms field to assign the terms and conditions file. Save.

Edit Company.

You can also update the assigned Order Confirmation Terms using an API or the Company Data template. Admins can download the Company Data template by going to Settings > Brand Admin > Data > Company Data.

Note: Learn more about this template with Company data overview.

Company Data spreadsheet.

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Track signed orders

From the left navigation menu, go to Orders.

The Order Terms and Conditions file displays on PDF downloads of the order. Choose an order, and use the kebab icon to select Download Order PDF.

Download order PDF.

You can adjust the Orders table to show which are signed by selecting Columns in the upper-right corner and toggle on Signed. To adjust an order’s status, select the kebab icon and choose Mark as Signed or Unsigned. Use the Signed filter to show only orders that are signed (Yes) or unsigned (No).

Note: The ability to mark an order as Signed or Unsigned is a role-level user permission, which can be adjusted by contacting our Support team.


You can also use the kebab icon to select Payment & Order History, where you can review the order’s timeline of updates, including when an order was Marked as Signed or Marked as Unsigned.

Note: Brands can contact Support to activate the Payment & Order History option on orders.

Payment and order history.

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