If offered by the brand, check out Whiteboards, which show suggested ways you can merchandise, display, create pairings, and more with their products.
Access Whiteboards
When a brand shares a Whiteboard, you’ll receive an email with a link to view that Whiteboard in NuORDER.
Within NuORDER, go to Whiteboards from the left navigation menu.
To navigate the Whiteboard, use the options in the upper-left corner to either select the Page number (to choose from the list of pages) or select the front and back arrows. Use the plus and minus icons to zoom in and out of the page.
To download the Whiteboard, select File > Download as PDF.
To add product(s) to the Working Order, select the image (or set of images), and then hover over the image in the Product menu on the right to select the cart icon. You can also use the Shop tab at the top to either Add to cart or Add page to cart.
Select an image from the Product menu on the right to open the Product Details page, where you can review additional information and enter quantities by delivery and size before adding it to the Working Order.
Create and edit Whiteboards
If you didn’t create the Whiteboard and the brand didn’t provide edit access, you can’t make changes to it. Instead, select File > Duplicate to make changes to a duplicate version.
To create your own Whiteboard, which you can edit and share, select Create New Whiteboard from the upper-right corner of the Whiteboards page, and then use the options outlined in Working with whiteboards to build the content.