Amazon S3 image integration

NuORDER has built an integration with Amazon S3 to pull product images from your Amazon S3 bucket and match them to your product data in NuORDER.


Integration details

  • Integration Method: API
  • Account Access: AWS API Key, Region, and Bucket settings required
  • File Types Supported: JPEG, PNG, MP4, MOV, GLB, gITF (product video, 360 images and 3D images are supported)

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Integration process

  • The NuORDER integration sends a request to view the image list.
  • All supported media files are downloaded and uploaded to our image service.
  • Images not already associated to a product are matched.
  • Images with no associated product remain downloaded and unlinked. These unlinked images are available for manual matching through the UI.
  • Once the process finishes, a log file with summary will be sent via email.
  • If an image is deleted from Amazon S3, it will not delete from NuORDER. You must manually remove the image from the product.
  • Subfolders are supported.
  • The sync can run in hourly intervals (ex. Once hourly, 4 x’s daily, once daily). 

Development is required to build the integration with your information. Expected turnaround time is 4-6 weeks.

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Image naming convention

The image naming convention is part of the custom script used to define which image files are downloaded and matched to a product. NuORDER supports 100 images per product. If your image naming convention changes, NuORDER will need to update the custom script. This will be handled by our integrations team. The turnaround time to update the script is 2-4 weeks.

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