If you need to cancel an authorized order, you need to do so before funds are taken from your card. As some brands auto authorize—or even manually authorize—orders before they capture the funds from your card, this gives you the option to cancel your order before the funds are taken.
Note: NuORDER asks Brands to capture (take payment) for purchases within 7 days of an authorization.
Canceling an authorized order
To cancel an authorized order, follow these steps:
1. Find the order
- First, find the order you want to cancel by clicking on the Orders tab in your left hand navigation.
- Once on the Orders page, search for the order you want to cancel by entering the order number in the search box at the top of the screen.
2. Make sure your order has not been captured
- Once you find your order, it's important to confirm it has a status of "not paid."
- You can double check by clicking the $ icon to see the payment history and confirming if the item has been authorized but not captured.
- You can double check by clicking the $ icon to see the payment history and confirming if the item has been authorized but not captured.
3. Cancel the Order
- After confirming that that order has not been captured, return to the Order page.
- Once you're back on the Order page, search again for your order and hover over it to see a series of icons. Then, click the kebab menu (the vertical three dots) to open a drop-down menu.
- Within the drop-down menu, click Cancel Order and your order will be canceled.