Processing full or partial payments on orders (for brands)

Brands can take full or partial payments for an order. 

Best practices

If you take the full or partial order amount, be prepared to ship that order (or the related items) within 7 days. If you capture funds (including shipping costs), and you don't plan to ship products, be clear with your customers in advance.

Select an order

From the left navigation menu, go to Orders. Use the filters and search to locate the order you wish to process. Hover over the order to reveal the action icons and select the $ Payments icon.

Select Payments for an order.

Process payment

Review the Payment screen to see the total value of the order. Based on your permissions you can:

  • Charge Now: Authorize the Payment and capture the funds.
  • Charge Later: Save and charge the card later. This will not schedule a transaction; it will only save a card to the order for use later.
  • Pre-Authorize Only: Authorize the amount to hold on the card.

After choosing a payment processing option, enter a total for the order in the Amount to Pay/Authorize Today text box.

  • Partial: Enter the amount you want to charge today.
  • Full: Enter the full amount of the order. If you always charge the full amount of the order and do not do split shipments, we can customize your portal so this will be auto-filled for the full amount.

Select Submit.

Process the payment.

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