Save a credit card for future payment

Brand users have the option to charge a card immediately or to charge it later.

Select Charge Later and enter the card information. This allows the brand to store the credit card information to charge at a later time. This is especially useful for orders that don't ship out immediately, such as prebook orders.

When to charge the card.

When selecting Charge Later, a credit card can be added to the order. If the buyer already has credit cards stored in their NuORDER digital wallet, then one of these cards can be selected for this order. Under Payment Info, choose the card from the dropdown, select the Set as Default Card box, and then Save.

Brands can also add a card on behalf of the buyer on the buyer’s contact card or directly on the order in the Checkout screen.

When the brand is ready to ship the order, select the Payment icon ($) for the order in the Orders page.

Payments icon on an order.

When adding a card, you must confirm that you’re authorized to add the card on behalf of the card holder and that you can charge payments to the card on orders.

Add card.

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