Archive products

You can archive products individually and in bulk.

Archive individual products

From the left navigation menu, go to Settings > Brand Admin > Product Catalog Settings > Product Gallery.

Product Catalog Settings in Brand Admin.

From the Edit tab, select the pencil icon above a product image.

Select Archive Product. When prompted, select Yes to confirm that you want to archive the product. Refresh your browser to see these changes.

Archive a product.

Archive products in bulk

You can archive your products in bulk with a Product Data upload. From the left navigation menu, go to Settings > Brand Admin > Data > Product Data.

Access Product Data from Settings.

Scroll to the Download section and select a link with Download Your Data... in the description.

If you downloaded your product data as a CSV file, follow the steps in How to best access a CSV file in Excel to ensure your data isn't reformatted by Excel.

Download your Product Data.

Within the spreadsheet, update the archived column:

  • Archive: Enter a Y to archive a product.
  • Don't archive: Enter a N to keep a product active (unarchived).

When you're done making changes, save your file.

Update the Product Data spreadsheet.

Return to the Product Data page in NuORDER and upload the updated file. Refresh your browser to see these changes.

Archive all products

If you want to archive all of your products, go to Settings > Brand Admin > Data > Product Data. Scroll to the Archive All section and select Archive all Products.

Archive all products.

Additional resources

Want to learn more? Check out these related articles:

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