Before updating Product Data, review the information detailed in the Product data overview. Then, as you have questions, check out the information in this FAQ, organized by topic.
Q: What defines a product in NuORDER?
A: A unique product is created based on the combination of Style Number + Season + Color.
Reminder: For a single product, when there are multiple rows of data, information must be the same in all columns, with the exception of Size.
Q: How do products display in NuORDER?
A: Each color-way of a style has its own instance in the Product Gallery. Users can select a product to view the full details, including the breakdown of color options available for that style, delivery dates, pricing, etc.
Q: Why can't I view all of my products in the Admin Product Gallery?
A: The Admin Product Gallery displays up to 12,000 products. If you have more than 12,000 products, some are not visible in your admin product gallery. You can choose which products to display by using the sort column in your product data file. Make the products you need to see sorted before the 12,000 mark.
Q: How can I disable and enable products?
A: To disable/enable products individually, go to the Product Gallery. Hover over a product image and select the pencil icon.
Use the Disable product toggle to disable (turned on) or enabled (turned off) and then select Save Product.
To disable/enable products in bulk, use the Product Data template by going to Settings > Brand Admin > Data > Product Data. In the Disabled column enter a Y for disabled and a N for enabled. Save your spreadsheet, return to the Product Data page in NuORDER, and upload your saved file.
Q: What's the expiration date for the template download link generated in NuORDER?
A. Download links generated in NuORDER expire after 7 days. Return to Brand Admin > Data to download a new template, as needed.
Q: Do I have to fill out all of the columns in the template?
A: No. You only have to fill out the required fields. However, we recommend you provide more details for a better user experience for your reps and buyers.
Q: What are the required fields on the product data template?
A: Required fields are Style Number, Season, Color, Size, Name, and Wholesale Price. This needs to be filled out for all of your products. Category is not a required field, but it's strongly recommended.
Q: I have extra fields I don't see on the template. Can I add this information to NuORDER?
A: Yes. You can create additional columns and the Onboarding team can build those into your portal for you. Examples: Collection, Divisions, Brand Names.
Q: Is the order of the columns important?
A: No. NuORDER logic is based on the accuracy of the column header name.
Note: If you want to display your information in a certain order, indicate this to the Onboarding team and they will set up your portal to match.
Q: We carry multiple brands. How do I fill out my data templates and what will that look like in NuORDER?
A: Ultimately, all of your products, regardless of brand, belong on one set of templates. Best practice is to add a column header (such as Brand Name), which would then function as a filter to help differentiate the brands you carry.
Q: How are category and subcategory related?
A: Category and Subcategory are nested filters. They have an “all or nothing” rule, so if you put data in some rows in either column, you should fill out all rows in that column in order for these to function properly.
Q: Are there any special characters that should be avoided?
A: Yes. Characters that cause delineation should be avoided in all fields. We do support special characters such as ©, ™, and & in the Description column.
Note: These characters can become corrupted if copied and pasted directly from the web into your data template. Our system is based on UTF-8 language encoding.
Q: We have long product descriptions. Is there a character limit for the description field?
A: No. Be mindful that lengthy descriptions take up more room and will push other important information lower down in the product details, meaning more scrolling for you and your customers.
Q: Can we use HTML formatting?
A: No. The one exception is the break line code <br> to create new lines or paragraphs in a large body of text in the Description column.
Note: Let us know if you'd also like specific custom fields to act as long string fields and accept <br> tags.
Q: What if our products don’t have a color?
A: Color is a required field. If your aren't differentiated by color, we recommend using a place holder like Multi or Assorted.
Q: What if we don’t differentiate our products by season?
A: Season is a required field. We recommend using a placeholder like Core or Year-round if Season isn't applicable to your business. If you prefer, this information can be hidden from the portal, so that it isn't visible at all.
Q: We carry styles from season to season. What's the best way to reflect this in NuORDER?
A: If you offer a product as a part of a specific Season (example: Holiday), you can assign that Season and then adjust it later. We strongly recommend assigning these carry-over or replenishment styles to a more general season (example: Core), so you don't have to constantly update your data.
Q: How many sizes can I add per product?
A: As many as you need. Seriously. We have brands with 100+ sizes per product.
Q: How do I denote products with multiple size ranges, like kid sizes and adult sizes?
A: Use Size Groups.
Q: What if our products don't have a size?
A: Size is a required field. If your products don't come in different sizes, we recommend using a place holder like One Size or Units.
Prices and currencies
Q: We haven’t determined all of our prices yet. What do I do if we don't have a price?
A: Price is a required field. You have a couple options:
- Enter 0: By default, these items will be disabled from reps and buyers (admin users will usually have permission to view disabled items).
- Enter a placeholder: If you want the item to be visible and orderable, use a placeholder price like $0.01.
Q: We sell in multiple currencies. How do I set this up in the product data?
A: Create separate Wholesale Price and Retail columns for each of the currencies.
Examples: Wholesale EUR and Retail EUR; Wholesale CAD and Retail CAD.
Q: We sell in multiple currencies, but I don't want all of my customers seeing all currencies. Can I designate what currency they see?
A: Yes. All customers need to be assigned to a currency in the Company Data template. When a buyer logs in, they will only see their own currency pricing. If an item is not offered in a particular currency, those customers will not see it.
Q: Some of my customers are offered a different price point. How do I handle this?
A: This is best supported by using Price Sheets or customer-level discounts, and will not impact how you fill out the Product Data template. Still provide the standard Wholesale and Retail price in each currency for the Product Data.
Q: I have products where each size is a different price. Is this supported?
A: Yes. We can turn on a setting for price per size. You'll have to set up your product data accordingly for those products.
Q: Can I use my SKUs as the Style Number?
A: NuORDER is built at the style-color level. Therefore, you can't use SKU’s as your Style Number. The best practice is to use the parent style code and remove the size and color reference.
Note: If storing the SKU in NuORDER is critical to your business needs, it can be added as a custom field (create a new column called SKU in the template).
Q: What is considered a parent style code?
A: A parent style code is typically the portion of the SKU that doesn't reference the color or size. For example: Isadora Blouse in Forest, Small; the SKU is MK-409-FRT-S, the parent style would be MK-409.
Q: I got an error message for one entry in my Excel file. Did everything else upload?
A: No. The system will only import a file in its entirety. If any part of your data has an error, nothing from the file will be saved. (Trust us, it's a lot less confusing that way!)
Q: I keep getting an unknown error message on my Excel file upload. What gives?
A: Your Excel file may contain special formatting—borders, colors, special characters, etc—that are causing an issue with the upload. Try saving a copy of your file as a CSV (be sure to keep a copy in XLS for further edits). If it still won't go through, let us know. We'll take a look!
Q: I'm uploading product data and the progress bar just loads and loads. What's up?
A: If your spreadsheet if really, really, really large (as in, several thousand lines), the server might not be able to handle the file size. Try splitting it into a few smaller files and uploading them separately. If size definitely isn't the issue, contact us for help. We'll get you through it!