Carryover styles

Carryover styles are products that move to different seasons or display in multiple seasons. Brand admins can adjust the season for individual products or for multiple products. 

Individual products

To edit a single product, go to the Product Gallery and select the pencil icon in the upper-right corner of the product.

Product Gallery.

Alternatively, you can go to Settings > Brand Admin > Product Catalog Settings > Product Gallery. From the Edit tab, select the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the product image.

Admin Product Gallery.

If you want the product to move to another season, edit the Season field. If you want the product to display for more than one season, edit the Seasons field to include a comma-separated list of each season, and then select Save Product.

Edit a product.

Multiple products

You can set up carryover styles for multiple products, using an upload.

For products that carryover through seasons (or that may change style number or color), establish a unique identifier for each product. Consider the following fields as unique identifiers:

  • Brand ID: A product's Brand ID is often used during implementation, because it's a way to establish a unique identifier when adding products into NuORDER. If you use this approach, the Brand ID must be unique at the style/color level (not at the size/SKU level). Most brands/ERPs use a concatenation of STYLE-COLOR to generate these unique values. A blank template is available at Download: Product data template.
  • ID: If the carryover products already exist in NuORDER, download your Product Data (from Settings > Brand Admin > Data > Product Data) and the NuORDER-generated _id column can act as the unique identifier.

If you want the product to move to another season, edit the Season column. If you want the product to display for more than one season, edit the Seasons column to include a comma-separated list of each season.

Example spreadsheet.

Save your updated spreadsheet and then return to Settings > Brand Admin > Data > Product Data to upload it.

Searching and filtering

For products with multiple seasons, you can search or filter by either season to locate that product. When filtering, use the Seasons (plural) filter in the Product Gallery.

If the Seasons filter isn't appearing in your Product Gallery, reach out to our Support team to update the available Filters.

Seasons filter.

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