Interested in ordering from brands in NuORDER? As a retailer, you can access NuORDER in a couple ways:
Through the NuORDER Marketplace
Navigate to and select Shop Brands to submit a request to join the NuORDER Marketplace.
Your request goes to our NuORDER Marketplace team. After they validate the credentials you provided (including store address, web address, etc.), expect a follow-up email.
When you're accepted, log in to the NuORDER Marketplace to locate brands and discover new ones. After reviewing a brand, you can select Connect with this Brand.
Enter a Message to the Brand (optional), and then submit the request, which goes directly to the brand. If the brand approves your request, expect an email confirmation, providing you with access to view and order their products in NuORDER.
Through a brand contact
A brand can also add you directly to their buyer database, which sends you an email invitation from NuORDER.