Customer and User Groups

Admins can create Customer and User Groups to manage buyer and brand user visibility to products, promotions, order min and max rules, linesheets, widgets in pages, and more.

Note: Learn about the other ways to restrict visibility with Product visibility overview.

Overview and video walkthrough

Create Customer and User Groups to manage visibility to products, promotions, order min and max rules, linesheets, widgets in pages, and more. A group can be used for both buyer and brand users. Groups are assigned at the company-level for buyer users and at the user-level for brand users. 

To manage and assign your Customer and User Groups, read through the details in this article and check out the below video*.

*This video was created in 2018. Consequently, the functionality demonstrated in the video may not perfectly match the current user experience. 

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Manage groups

From the left navigation menu, go to Settings > Brand Admin > Settings > Customer & User Groups. In the Manage Customer and User Groups page, create, edit, and remove groups.

Brand Admin.


To create a new group, select Create New Group in the upper-right corner of the page. Enter a name (it defaults to Untitled Group), specify if the rule is Whitelist or not, and then select Add Rule to set restrictions.

When you’ve finished creating and managing Customer Groups, select Save in the upper-right corner.

Create a group.


When you set rules for a Customer Group, NuORDER automatically pulls product data from your account to ensure you can accurately filter what buyers see and don't see.

Use the dropdown menu to select the type (examples: Category or Season), and then use the field to select values. Add as many rules as you need. In the below example the Footwear Retailers group includes a Whitelist rule for the Categories: footwear, shoes, and socks.

Example rule.

Whitelist vs. blacklist

Choose to Whitelist (default) or Blacklist, based on this logic:

  • On: The rule uses Whitelisting logic (the specified values allow item visibility).
  • Off: The rule uses Blacklisting logic (the specified values restrict item visibility).

Use only one rule type (Whitelist or Blacklist) and not a mix of both. Mixing both can cause issues. Also, if you create a group that's Whitelisted without any rules, an alert appears, asking you to confirm because no products will be visible to users in that group.

Watch the below videos for more information into Whitelisting and Blacklisting.

Whitelisting (Whitelist toggled ON)

Blacklisting (Whitelisting toggled OFF)

Edit and delete

You can edit groups and rules as needed from the Manage Customer and User Groups page. Select Remove Group to delete a group and select the X icon to delete a rule.

Remove groups and rules.

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Assign groups

Customer and User Groups are assigned at the company-level for buyer users and at the user-level for brand users. Keep in mind that only the Whitelist logic allows you to assign more than one group.

Assign to companies

To assign groups to companies individually, go to Contacts from the left navigation menu. Open a company contact card and then select Edit Company in the upper-right corner. Use the Custom Groups field to select one or more groups, and then Save.

Assign groups to a company.

To assign groups to companies in bulk, go to Settings > Brand Admin > Data > Company Data. Download your company data in one of the provided formats.

Note: If you download a CSV file, follow the steps in How to best access a CSV file in Excel.

Use the cells in the customer group column to assign groups. Make sure the group name matches exactly to how it's named in NuORDER. Save and upload the file.

Company data spreadsheet.

Assign to brand users

From the left navigation menu, brand Admins can go to Settings > Brand Admin > Users > Manage Brand Users

To edit a brand user, select their pencil icon. In the User Groups field, select one or more groups, and then Save Changes

Assign User Group to brand user.

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Control access to linesheets and widgets

With Customer and User Groups, you can restrict which Linesheets and widgets your buyer and brand users have access to. You can make these settings in a group, in a Linesheet, and in widgets via Sites Manager.

Note: Some brands have chosen to rename Linesheets to Catalogs.

Customer group setting

Return to Settings > Brand Admin > Settings > Customer & User Groups.

To prevent all future groups from accessing your Linesheets by default, select Exclude all groups from all Linesheets by default. Then, the Exclude this group from all Linesheets toggle will be activated by default on all future Customer and User Groups you create.

Otherwise, you can select Exclude this group from all Linesheets for a specific group.

Customer Group setting.

Linesheet setting

From the left navigation menu, go to Linesheets (aka Catalogs). Open a Linesheet and select the pencil icon below the main image. Select one or more group(s) in the Allowed Customer Groups field and then select Done.

Edit a Linesheet.

Widgets settings

On any page you create with Sites Manager, it’s possible to prevent groups from seeing specific widgets.

From the left navigation menu, go to Settings > Sites Manager. Go to the site and page. Select a widget and in the gear icon section, choose a group in Allowed Customer Groups.


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