Use this glossary if you come across an unfamiliar acronym or term.
Acronym | Stands for | Definition |
A | ||
API | Application Programming Interface | Backend code that allows two or more computer programs to communicate with each other. |
ATP | Available to Promise | A portion of a brand’s inventory that enables the brand to promise delivery by a certain date. |
ATS | Available to Sell | Inventory currently on hand in the warehouse and available for immediate sale/shipment. ATS Reports show inventory in stock. |
C | ||
CC | Credit Card | Streamline your buying process by securely adding credit card information in NuORDER. |
CVV | Card Verification Value | For brands that offer Payments, include your Security Code (also known as CVV) when securely adding credit card information in NuORDER. |
D | ||
DTS | Digital Trade Show | A type of virtual event hosted in an online environment where goods and services are exhibited for a particular industry. |
E | ||
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange | The computer-to-computer exchange of business documents in a standard electronic format between business partners. |
ELC | Estimated Landing Cost | The bottom-up cost estimate created by a buying organization. For example, wholesale price + customs + freight. |
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning (system) | Software used by a company to manage key parts of operations, including accounting and resource management. |
F | ||
FTP | File Transfer Protocol | A standard communication protocol used for the transfer of computer files from a server to a client on a computer network. |
L | ||
LTL | Less than truckload (shipping) | A shipping service for relatively small loads or quantities of freight. |
M | ||
MFA | Multifactor authentication | Multifactor authentication adds an extra layer of security to a user's account to prevent unauthorized access. |
MSRP | Manufacturer’s suggested retail price | The price that a product's manufacturer recommends it be sold for at the point of sale. |
O | ||
OTP | One-time passcode | Multifactor authentication adds an extra layer of security to a user's account to prevent unauthorized access. It requires a time-based one-time password (TOTP) program to generate a one-time passcode (OTP). |
OTS | Online Trade Show | A type of virtual event hosted in an online environment where goods and services are exhibited for a particular industry. |
P | ||
PDP | Product Details Page | Select an item to see the Product Details Page and to add products to your cart. |
PO | Purchase Order | An official document that is created by a buyer and sent to a seller to confirm their intention to purchase products and/or services. |
POS | Point of Sale | A place where a customer executes the payment for goods or services and where sales taxes may become payable. |
R | ||
RMS | Retail Management System | A platform that combines several technological tools to support the operation of a retail store or chain. |
RTP | Real-time Pricing | Real-time Pricing allows you to apply advanced pricing models. |
S | ||
SaaS | Software as a Service | A method of software delivery and licensing in which software is accessed online via a subscription, rather than bought and installed on individual computers. |
SKU | Stock Keeping Unit | A unique identifier retailers assign to each product that makes it easier to track inventory. |
SMU | Special Make-Up | (Relevant to Assortments) A temporary or placeholder item, often an exclusive product for a specific retailer that is developed in the buying appointments. |
SSO | Single Sign-on | Single Sign-on gives users access to multiple systems with one set of login credentials. |
T | ||
T&C | Terms and Conditions | You can create Terms and Conditions that users must accept before placing an order or entering your portal. |
TOTP | Time-based one-time password | Multifactor authentication adds an extra layer of security to a user's account to prevent unauthorized access. It requires a time-based one-time password (TOTP) program to generate a one-time passcode (OTP). |
U | ||
UDA | User-defined Attributes | A set of properties customized by the user to define an object type. |
UPC | Universal Product Code | A unique, 12-digit number used to identify a product, often via a barcode. |
W | ||
WH | Warehouse | Warehouses are the locations where your products are stored and can be used to control product visibility. |
WO | Working Order | The Working Order is your current, active order, accessible by selecting the cart icon in the upper-right corner. |
Term | Definition |
A | |
Assortment | Live, collaborative documents used by retailers to plan their buys during and post-market. Your catalogs, product data, and images from NuORDER flow into the assortment tool where your buyer can make selections and add their notes of intent. |
B | |
Banner | When configured, a Banner displays in the top right corner of product images if it’s sold out or if a custom banner was selected (examples: New or Best Seller). |
Blacklisting | Blacklisting restricts product visibility. See also Whitelisting. |
Bulk Order | A Bulk Order uses a single order to place separate orders for multiple locations (aka doors). |
C | |
Campaign | A Campaign is an email sent from NuORDER, which tracks buyer engagement. |
Custom List | Create Custom Lists of recommended styles to send to specific buyers. |
Customer Group | Create Customer Groups to manage buyer visibility to products, promotions, order min and max rules, linesheets, widgets in pages, and more. |
D | |
Delivery Window | Delivery windows define the timeframe in which a product ships. |
Doors | A Door is a location with a physical address (not virtual). |
Drop Shipping | Brands use Drop Shipping if ordered products are shipped from a third party (examples: directly from the manufacturer). |
E | |
EZ Order | EZ Orders allow brand users to send a link with suggested products, so buyers can enter quantities to complete their order. |
F | |
Fixed Group | A Fixed Group is a manually generated list of recipients for Campaigns. See also Smart Group. |
Future availability | Future availability ties to specific dates of future arrivals or replenishments. |
G | |
Guest Buyer | A Guest Buyer isn’t connected to your brand and their visibility is limited. |
H | |
Hotspot | Hotspots tag products in images, so buyers can add them to their cart. |
I | |
Immediate availability | Immediate availability indicates current stock on hand. |
L | |
Linesheet (aka Catalog) | A Linesheet (aka Catalog) is a wholesale sales sheet used to merchandise products and is an essential selling tool for most brands. |
M | |
Marketplace | NuORDER Marketplace is where brands and buyers can find each other and connect. |
O | |
Order Export Template | Brands configure Order Export Templates so buyers can upload order details with a spreadsheet. |
P | |
Prebook availability | Prebook availability denotes styles not yet in production and allows for unlimited future bookings. |
Promotions | Promotions encourage buyers to add more to their cart with order and product discounts. |
R | |
Retailer (aka Merchant) | A company that buys products from a manufacturer or wholesaler and sells them to end users or customers. |
Rollup | A way to review multiple assortments together on screen to analyze the complete buy across brands/departments, and identify potential gaps and duplication in the buy. |
S | |
Sites Manager | Use Sites Manager to build and manage the pages in your brand site and Marketplace. |
Size curve | A size curve represents the distribution of quantities of different sizes in the size run a retailer is carrying inventory for. |
Size run | All the sizes a particular product is being manufactured in. |
Smart Group | A Smart Group is a list of recipients for Campaigns and is dynamically created based on selected filters (example: all buyers in Arizona). See also Fixed Group. |
Split Order | Some brands create rules to automatically split orders into multiple orders based on specific criteria (examples: Season, Department, or Warehouse). |
V | |
Virtual Showroom | Virtual Showrooms are an interactive display of your products with shoppable hotspots. |
W | |
Whiteboard | Whiteboards allow you to work collaboratively to design marketing assets with product data, version history, visibility rules, and the ability to export files to share with buyers. |
Whitelisting | Whitelisting allows product visibility. See also Blacklisting. |