Real-time pricing

Real-time Pricing (RTP) allows you to apply advanced pricing models to clear out slow moving inventory and maximize revenue. With RTP, you can set percentage discounts and volume-based pricing, and set multi-tier customer pricing (e.g. Price based on customer tier, country, location, etc.).

When a buyer views their items or changes the item quantity in their cart, they'll see in the upper-right corner that the price is being updated.

Processing pricing message.

After the pricing update finishes successfully and the buyer’s prices change in the cart, an update displays in the lower-left corner. This notification stays there for 3 seconds (or the buyer can close it).

Pricies updated successfully message.

If the pricing update did NOT finish successfully, an update displays in the lower-left corner to notify the buyer that their prices weren't updated. This notification stays there for 3 seconds (or the buyer can close it).

Prices were not uploaded message.

To implement RTP, you must:

  • Provide brand data structure information for correct "mapping" implementation (request, response, entities, etc.).
  • Provide URLs to Production and Non-Production brand APIs. NuORDER needs a Non-Production brand API for testing.
  • Provide Authentication information if the brand API requires it.
  • Save brand and cloud function URLs, Authentication information, other SAP Adapter settings in brand configuration. Brand admin can save and update these settings from NuORDER UI.

You can configure the following items with Real-time Pricing:

  • Brand’s API endpoints.
  • Authentication process.
  • Header information.
  • Mapping between brand’s API model and NuORDER API model.
  • API timeout limit.
  • Maximum number of line items per call - to break a cart that has too many items.
  • Calls per second into the ERP system - a hard limit on the number of calls the brand’s API can handle, so RTP service should rate limit the calls appropriately.

Real time pricing configuation.

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