Currency overview

You can offer one or multiple currencies on products and your sales team can sell in a variety of currencies.


Consider the following when working with currencies in NuORDER.

Linesheets and custom lists

If sending a linesheet or custom list through NuORDER, the PDF received by the buyer will be in the currency assigned to that buyer, not the currency of the rep.

Order export templates

If you choose to show prices on an Order Export Template, and you want buyers assigned to multiple currencies to select which one they'd like to see (when exporting from a linesheet or custom list), then contact the NuORDER Support team to activate this feature. 

Note: If you export an order template from the Working Order, it'll display the company's currency (or the currency selected on the order if there's multiple currencies assigned to the company).

Select a currency on the order export template.

Product visibility

Users see products in the currency assigned to them. If you're using multiple currencies, you can control product visibility. For example, let's say:

  • Customer A is assigned to USD currency.
  • Customer B is assigned to EUR currency.
  • Product A has USD currency pricing only.
  • Product B has USD and EUR currency pricing.

In this example, customers can see:

  • Customer A can see product A and product B, because both products have USD pricing, which is customer A's assigned currency.
  • Customer B can only see product B, because product A doesn't have EUR currency and product B does.

Note: See Product visibility overview to learn about other ways you can restrict visibility to products.

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Currencies on products

To adjust a product's visibility by currency, go to the Product Gallery and select the pencil icon in the upper-right corner of a product.

Edit a product.

In the Pricing section of the Edit Product screen, toggle on or off currencies to control visibility and then Save Product.

Toggle on currencies.

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Assign currencies to reps and companies

Assign currencies to brand users and companies.

Brand users

From the left navigation menu, go to Settings > Brand Admin > Manage Brand Users. The Currency column displays the currency assigned to each user.

Manage brand users.

To assign a currency, create or edit a user, choose their Currency, and then save your changes. While you can only assign one currency to a brand user, they can still sell to buyers assigned to different currencies.

Note: You can set user roles to view all currencies. To enable this option, contact our Support team.

Assign a currency.


The buyer's currency is assigned at the company level.

To update the currency for multiple companies, go to Settings > Brand Admin > Data > Company Data. Download your company data, update the currency codes column (comma separate currencies if assigning more than one), and save your file. Return to the Company Data admin page to upload your spreadsheet.

Company data.

To update the currency on individual companies, go to Contacts and edit a company.

Note: You can see the assigned currency on the Contacts page or when you select a contact.

Currency assigned to companies.

Use the Currencies field to select one or more currencies, and then save the company.

Select one or more currency.

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Sell to companies with different currencies

When selling to a buyer with a different currency, the rep has a couple options.

Note: If you’re using Lightspeed Payments, contact Support if you want to accept payments from currencies outside of the currency associated with your brand’s legal entity.  

Option 1: Select the company in the order

Select the buyer's company in the Working Order. The order automatically updates to the company's assigned currency.

Currency on an order is tied to the company.

If the company is assigned to more than one currency, you'll receive a prompt asking you to Select a currency for this order.

Select a currency.

Note: If you export an order template, it'll display the company's currency (or the currency you selected when there's multiple currencies assigned).

Option 2: View As

Select the eye icon in the upper right corner to View As a company of your choosing. When looking through the Product Gallery, the displayed products and currencies are those assigned to the View As company.

View as.

If the company is assigned to multiple currencies, use the dropdown to the left of the eye icon to choose a currency.

Toggle between currencies in View As.

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