Payments FAQ (for cardholders)

Q: Which types of cards does NuORDER accept?

A: NuORDER accepts all Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express cards, including virtual prepaid credit cards.

NuORDER also supports payments from international credit cards. For example, if the buyer uses an Australian card to place an order in USD, the order will be in USD, the funds deposited into your bank account will be in USD, and the cardholder's card statement will show a charge in AUD.

Note: Foreign exchange fees are applicable when using an international credit card to transact in a non-local currency. This is charged to the cardholder by the credit card issuing bank and merchant services provider.

Q: How do I know when my card is charged or refunded?

A: You'll receive an email notification. You can also go to your orders and select the Payments ($) icon to see the history of past transactions, including authorizations, captures, refunds, and declines. The Payment Status column and filter can also be used to know if there is a balance to be paid on an order.

Q: When will my card be charged?

A: Contact your sales rep to best understand their workflow on charging cards. After the brand processes payment, you'll receive an email notification when your card is charged.

Q: Why was my card declined?

A: A card can be declined for a variety of reasons, but it’s most commonly due to a mismatch in the provided information compared to what the card's bank has on file.

Go to the order and select the $ icon to see the order's payment history. Select See More next to the decline message for more information. 

Card declined.

Example scenarios for why a card was declined:

  • Address mismatch: There was a mismatch with the billing address. When you make a payment, ensure the entered billing address exactly matches your bank statement. Sometimes banks are slow to update new addresses, so if you moved recently, try both addresses. Expanding abbreviations may also help (example: try entering Street instead of St).
  • Name mismatch: Confirm the name exactly matches what's on the card.
  • Card issuer: The decline was made by the card issuer.
  • Insufficient funds: The cost exceeded the card's available funds.
  • Unauthorized payments: The payment was unauthorized.
  • Too many attempts: Sometimes, if a card is used too many times consecutively, the payment will automatically fail for the security of the payer. To help prevent this, confirm that the entered card information is correct. Also, check with your card issuer or bank before trying to pay again.

Q: Why do I see a charge on my card, despite a declined or canceled payment?

A: If your charge was declined or canceled, but you're still seeing a charge on your end, then likely it's just pending. The payment won't go through and the bank will drop it from your credit card statement, usually within 1-3 business days. If the authorization remains in your statement for longer than 3 business days, feel free to contact us, so that we can help investigate. We'll work with you and your bank to reverse the charge.

Q: Can I change the card information if I entered it incorrectly?

A: No. For security reasons, only the nickname of a card can be edited. If you need to change anything else (examples: billing address, cvv, etc.), you must delete and then re-add the card by hovering over your initials in the lower-left corner and selecting Manage Credit Cards. See Add and manage credit cards.

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