Best practices for brands

Brands have successfully engaged buyers with these top 10 best practices, which span the following topics:

Make your portal easy to navigate

Use Sites Manager to design an easy to navigate Homepage and subpages.

#1 Clickable image links

On your Homepage, provide clickable image links to at least two or more subpages or filtered lists of products.

For example, include links with related images for each Category for buyers who want to shop their areas of expertise.

Note: When including text over any image, ensure that it’s easy to read.

Shop by category.

#2 Include a link to your Virtual Showroom and Linesheets

Want to show off your products in their best light? Offer links to a Virtual Showroom (with hotspots for each product) or to your Linesheets (showcasing your collections).

Shop the showroom.

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Engage buyers with product media

Bring your products to life with images and other media. See our Image guidelines and Product images overview to ensure your media meet all requirements.

#3 Include multiple product images

As a best practice, offer five product images (see #6 for suggestions). Buyers want to see what they’re purchasing; in fact, they may even turn away from brands with too few (or no) product images.

At minimum, include two images for every product, so buyers can hover over a product card to see the back, a key feature, a close up, or another important view.

Recommended Not recommended
Front and back of product. No image.

Tip: Want a list of all products missing images? Go to Settings > Brand Admin > Imagery & Media > Image Reports and download the Missing Image Report.

#4 Include the imagery that buyers want to see

In addition to the main and secondary images, buyers also like to see:

  • Product images with human models, so it’s clear how the item wears or its scale. For example, a person sitting in a chair or wearing a pair of earrings.
  • Images of the item in an inspiring environment, so buyers can visualize their customers engaging with the product. For example, a model wearing a party dress at a party or a bike being ridden within a scenic terrain.
  • Images of key features, so they know important selling points. For example, a purse’s inside pockets or how a pair of pants converts into shorts.
  • Videos that highlight product elements that are more impactful in motion. For example, a model twirling to show the fullness of a skirt or how to expand a table.

Tip: While compiling images, use an Image Coming Soon display (instead of the default logo).

Recommended Not recommended
Image coming soon. No image.

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Inform with product data

Help buyers dive into the details with product data.

#5 Filterable product data points

Provide multiple data points, so buyers can easily browse your products by selecting Filters.

For example, in addition to the required Style Number, Season, and Color, also include the product’s Category, Subcategory, Department, or any other information that best organizes your offerings.

Browse products with filters.

#6 Product names and descriptions

Include key features in the product Name and make sure that the product Descriptions maintain a consistently thorough level of detail.

Recommended Not recommended
Recommended name and description. Not receommended name and description.

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Highlight products with Linesheets (aka Catalogs) and Custom Lists

Use Linesheets and Custom Lists to showcase products or compile tailored lists for buyers.

#7 Delivery windows

Set delivery windows on Linesheets and Custom Lists to align with how you sell.

When buyers add products to an order from a Linesheet or Custom List with set delivery dates, those delivery windows carry over into the order, so products go out in your preferred time line.

Also, consider how you want buyers to add products to the Working Order (for example, do you want buyers to only shop from Linesheets and Custom Lists, but still allow them to view the Product Gallery?). Work with your Onboarding team to design and configure your preferred buyer flow.

#8 Configure settings

Select the pencil icon on Linesheets and Custom Lists to manage important settings, including Delivery Windows (see #9 above), Visibility to Guest Buyers, Catalog Portrait Image, and more.

Tip: Catalog Portrait Images are especially impactful because buyers want to quickly see what types of products are offered in each Linesheet and Custom List. Learn more with Linesheets and custom lists FAQ.

Example Linesheets with Catalog Portrait Images

Example Linesheets with Catalog Portrait Images.

Linesheet / Catalog (edit settings)


Custom List (edit settings)

Custom lists.

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Entice retailers to connect

Showcase your brand and attract new buyer connection requests with these best practices for NuORDER Marketplace.

#9 Inviting tile image

Think of your Marketplace tile image as an invitation and design it to stand out. We recommend creating a tile that includes both an image and your logo (or brand name).

Recommended Not recommended
Recommended tile image. Not recommended tile image.

#10 Help retailers find you

To help retailers search for your brand, include a Description with keywords (examples: merino wool, made in Australia, etc.) and choose up to 20 Categories (examples: by Department, by MSRP, Active/Yoga, Denim, Streetwear, Bath & Body, etc.).

Categories and descriptions.

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