Inventory data overview

Your Inventory Data indicates the inventory position and quantities of your products. You can designate immediate stock, future stock, and prebook from this file. If you ship from multiple warehouses, you can also list the quantities allocated to each.

Note: The uploaded Inventory Data quantities reduce in NuORDER as users place orders.


If you're in the Onboarding process, work with your NuORDER rep and download a blank template.

If you're not in the Onboarding process, admins can download the Inventory Data template by going to Settings > Brand Admin > Data > Inventory Data.

Inventory data in brand admin.

In the Download Inventory section customize your spreadsheet by adding Filters and choosing the Warehouse, Format (vertical or horizontal), and Type (XLSX or CSV). Select Download.

Note: If you download a CSV file, see How to best access a CSV file in Excel.

Download inventory.


Open the exported spreadsheet. See the below example of an Inventory Data file.

Example inventory data spreadsheet.


Unique identifiers

Uniquely identify products for inventory updates, using one of the below approaches:

  • Approach 1: Use the Style Number, Season, Color and Size cells as the unique identifier for each product (similar to creating initial products). With this approach, fully delete the UPC column.
  • Approach 2: Use UPC as the unique identifier for each product. This approach requires that all of your products to have a UPC value. With this approach, fully delete the following columns: Style Number, Season, and Color

Quantity, Size, and Warehouse

Enter inventory quantities in the Quantity column for the specific product's Size and Warehouse (listed as default if using only one warehouse).


Use the Date column to specify the inventory's availability: Future (must include a date), Immediate, or Prebook.

Future: Enter the exact date of when the quantities will be available.


Immediate: Enter the word(s) immediate or at once. This indicates inventory available now.


Prebook: Keep the Quantity column blank and enter the word prebook in the Date column. This allows unlimited future bookings of the product.

In addition to an upload, you can also set products as automatically Prebook by specifying product field values in Inventory Settings. To learn more, check out the articles: Prebook, immediate, and future availability overview


If a product offers more than one availability, then add a row with the same product information and a different Date cell. The below example shows a product with Future and Prebook availability.

Multiple availability.

Best Practices

  • If you're working with a blank template, ensure the data in the Style Number, Season, Color, and Size fields match the information provided in your Product Data template exactly (case sensitive, spelling, and spacing).
  • Fill out all fields for all products in this template.
  • For Prebook items, the quantity must always be blank.
  • All inventory statuses must be included on one file. If you split out ATS, WIP, or prebook into separate files, you'll wipe out the previous status with each upload.

Key Concepts


If you're in the Onboarding process, work with your NuORDER rep before uploading Inventory Data.

If you're not in the Onboarding process, admins can upload the Inventory Data template by returning to Settings > Brand Admin > Data > Inventory Data. Drag and drop the saved spreadsheet into the Drag file here section.

Upload inventory.

A prompt appears, letting you know that your inventory data request was queued and that you'll receive an email when the process completes.


The confirmation email specifies the inventory upload result: Success or Error.

This email also links a CSV version of the results, which provides details on any found errors. Use this information to adjust error rows and re-upload your Inventory Data file.

Success message. Error message.


Additional resources

Admins can mange how inventory is displayed with Inventory preferences. See also Inventory data FAQ.

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