Before you upload Inventory Data, check out our Inventory data overview and the below FAQ.
Q: What are the required fields in the inventory data template?
A: All fields are required with these exceptions:
- Leave the Quantity column blank for prebook items.
- Leave the UPC column blank when using Style Number, Season, and Color as the unique identifier.
- Leave the Style Number, Season, and Color columns blank when using UPC as the unique identifier.
Q: Can I upload inventory based on UPCs?
A: Yes, but only if you included that information in your Product Data template.
Q: Can I add custom fields to this template?
A: No. Inventory maps to predefined fields and not custom fields.
Q: Does the order of the columns matter?
A: No. NuORDER logic is based on the accuracy of the column header name.
Q: Do I still have to fill out this template if I'm not planning on managing inventory through NuORDER?
A: No. Keep in mind that without inventory in NuORDER, buyers and sales reps can place quantities to order without limitations.
Q: Can I hide inventory quantities?
A: Yes. We have various options for controlling this via settings, none of which impact how you fill out the template. For example, you can establish quantity thresholds (display min or max, i.e. 100+ or 500+), set up Sold Out banners for out of stock products, or choose to hide products from view until quantities are available.
Q: Can I hide inventory quantities from buyers, but not my sales reps?
A: Yes. Contact your onboarding rep or NuORDER's support team to configure this setting, which won't impact how you fill out the template.
Q: How do I indicate the types of inventory availability in the data template?
A: This depends on your inventory data file.
If your inventory data file includes Period Start, Period End, and Prebook (instead of a Date column):
- Immediate: In the Period Start column, enter today’s date or leave it blank.
- Future: In the Period Start column, enter the exact data of when the quantities will be available.
- Prebook: In the Prebook column, enter Y for prebook or N if not.
If your inventory data file includes a Date column (instead of Period Start, Period End, and Prebook):
- Immediate: Enter the word(s) immediate or at once. This indicates inventory available now.
- Future: Enter the exact data of when the quantities will be available.
- Prebook: Keep the Quantity column blank and enter the word prebook in the Date column.
Q: Can my products have more than one type of inventory?
A: Yes. If a product offers more than one availability, then add a row with the same product information for each availability.
If your inventory data file includes Period Start, Period End, and Prebook (instead of a Date column):
- The information may differ in the Period Start, Period End, and Prebook columns.
If your inventory data file includes a Date column (instead of Period Start, Period End, and Prebook):
- The information would only differ in the Quantity and Date columns. Note: For prebook inventory, the Quantity field will always be left blank. Example image:
Q: Is there a limit to how many future or replenishment dates I have for a product?
A: No. You can enter multiple inventory dates for a product. Each date needs its own line and corresponding quantity for that product.
Q: What happens when I upload my Inventory Data file and how do I correct errors?
A: Follow the steps in Inventory data overview. After you upload your Inventory Data spreadsheet, your file goes through a sync queue process, uploading each correct row and excluding rows with discovered errors. The larger the file size, the longer the sync process takes. When the sync completes, check your inbox for an email confirmation, listing the number of successful updates and errors (if any). Use the link provided in the email to review a CSV file with details about each error row. Correct those rows and re-upload them.
Q: How does inventory display in NuORDER?
A: Admins can specify inventory preferences. As an example, this Product Details page displays inventory for each size by each delivery window (upper-right corner) and a toggle for Total Units or Units Arriving (lower-right corner).
Q: How often do I have to update my inventory?
A: This varies from brand to brand. The suggested best practice is to update at regular intervals that work for your business. To ensure products are not oversold, it's recommended you allocate the quantities you want available to be ordered through NuORDER.
Q: Can we keep styles as Active even if it’s past the delivery end date?
A: Yes. Contact the NuORDER Support team and ask them to adjust this preference.
Q: What is the Restrict Inventory setting on users?
A: Restrict Inventory allows your brand users to view the same inventory threshold that buyers see. Check out Restrict inventory setting for more details.
Q: What's the expiration date for the template download link generated in NuORDER?
A. Download links generated in NuORDER expire after 7 days. Return to Brand Admin > Data to download a new template, as needed.