Open vs. closed environment

Before retailers connect with your brand through NuORDER Marketplace, you can control their access to your brand site by configuring an open or closed environment.

Open environment

An open environment gives retailers full browsing access to your brand in NuORDER. When a potential buyer navigates to your brand's page in Marketplace, they have the option to Connect with this Brand, as well as Shop Brand, which directs them to your NuORDER brand site.

This open access is for browsing only and the buyer must connect with your brand before they can start placing orders.

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Closed environment

In a fully closed environment, potential buyers only see your Marketplace brand page, where they can request to Connect with this brand.

In a partially closed environment, potential buyers see your Marketplace brand page, as well as the products you select through Guest Buyer Whitelist rules. With limited access, the Marketplace brand page includes Connect with this Brand, as well as Shop Brand, which directs potential buyers to your NuORDER brand site, displaying only those whitelisted products.

The buyer must connect with your brand before they can gain full access to your brand site and start placing orders.

Connect with this brand.

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Configure access

Admins configure access with a closed or open environment by going to Settings > Brand Admin > Settings > Guest Buyer Visibility.

Open environment

To configure an open environment, toggle on Display all products to buyers and Save.

Open environment.

Closed environment

To configure a fully closed environment, toggle off Display all products to buyers and Save.

To configure a partially closed environment, toggle off Display all products to buyers and select Add Rule. Create Guest Buyer Whitelist rules to define which products potential buyers can see (examples: by department, season, style number, etc.). When you're done, select Save.

Note: You can also control user visibility with the options outlined in Product visibility overview.

Closed environement with whitelist rules.

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