Before you upload Buyer Data, check out our Buyer data overview and the below FAQ.
Q: How do buyers display in NuORDER?
A: Buyers are listed as contacts in your address book in a couple of ways:
- In the company tab, nested under their company as a point of contact.
- As an individual under the buyer tab of the address book. When a buyer is selected, all vital information linked to a buyer can be viewed in detail (i.e. contact info, associated company, assigned sales rep, order history, etc).
Q: What fields are required in the Buyer Data?
A: Company Code, Name, Email, and Sales Rep 1 Email fields are required.
Q: What if I don't have Company Codes?
A: As a best practice, use the information in the Customer Name field in the Company Data template.
Q: What do I put in the Name field if I don’t have a direct contact for a company?
A: When you don’t have a name for a buyer, we recommend a placeholder, like the name of the company or the word Buyer. The buyer can update their name when they log in.
Q: Can I change the buyer name after the Buyer Data is uploaded?
A: No. The buyer can update that information when they log in.
Q: Can I have more than one buyer per company?
A: Yes. Enter each buyer on a new line with their respective name and email address.
Q: What if I have more than one email for a buyer?
A: Determine the preferred email of that buyer before putting it into the template. If you have more than one email for a buyer, create a new line of data for that customer with a slightly altered name, because you can't have two buyers of the same name under the same company.
Q: What if I don’t have an email for a buyer?
A: If you don't have an email for a buyer, you can't upload that buyer via the template. Either add them manually through the portal or upload later when you have their email.
Q: Why do I need an email for my buyer?
A: The email you list for your buyer serves as their NuORDER login credentials. Their email is also how you communicate with your buyers regarding their orders.
Q: Can I assign more than one sales rep to a buyer?
A: Yes. Using the spreadsheet, create an additional column titled Sales Rep 2 Email and so on. If the contact already exists in NuORDER, edit the buyer. Click into the Buyer's Sales Reps field to select one or more and then Save.
Q: Can I assign different reps to a buyer after Buyer Data is uploaded?
A: Yes. You can do this through the admin settings when you have access to your portal.
Q: What if I don’t want my buyers to be automatically invited to NuORDER on Buyer Data upload?
A: We can turn off the automatic invite email for you. Let your Onboarding team member or know or contact the Support team. Keep in mind that if you turn off this option, you'll have to reach out to your buyers directly to invite them to the portal.
Q: Can I turn off all buyer emails?
Yes. We can turn off buyer emails for either the invite email or all other buyer emails. Contact the Support team or let your Onboarding team member know.
Turning off invite emails turns off the email alerting buyers that you've connected with them. Buyers get this email when you add their email to your contacts.
Turning off other buyer emails means buyers don't get automated emails such as orders and drafts, but they still get emails sent by reps, including linesheets, recommendations, and EZ Orders.
Q: What's the difference between the Email and Sales Rep Email fields?
A: The Email field is the contact info for the buyer. The Sales Rep Email column is contact info for your employees who use the system to interact with those buyers. This is how buyers are assigned to work with a specific sales rep or sales reps. Any email entered in the Sales Rep Email field must reference one of your brand users (NuORDER user seats).
Q: Can I store phone and fax numbers for a buyer?
A: Yes. Add columns for each of these fields.
Q: How do I control what currencies my buyers see?
A: This is not controlled at the buyer level. This is managed at the company level using the Currency Code field on the Company Data template.
Q: What's the expiration date for the template download link generated in NuORDER?
A. Download links generated in NuORDER expire after 7 days. Return to Brand Admin > Data to download a new template, as needed.