More than 120 different systems have been integrated with NuORDER to date, for over 1000 brands. Most integrations are with ERP systems, but you can also integrate other systems like inventory management, 3PL, PLM, CRM, and accounting platforms. Some projects can be handled entirely by NuORDER's in-house Integrations Team, while others require engagement from your ERP, your own in-house developer, or a third party resource.
Considering an integration between your back-office system and NuORDER?
To integrate with NuORDER, your system must be able to:
- Generate the relevant data (products, pricing, customers, inventory) in one of our accepted formats (CSV/TXT files or REST API calls using JSON)
- Send this data to NuORDER on an automated schedule
- Accept bulk import of sales orders (ideally on an automated schedule, but "click to import" works too).
If your system can do these things, then you should be able to integrate with NuORDER.
NuORDER catalogs capabilities of external systems as we integrate to them. Click the image below to see the current feature matrix of known third party systems. However, vendors evolve their capabilities and this list may not be current with your particular version of software. As such, customers must check with their vendor to verify the capabilities of their system. Costs incurred with external vendors and integrators are not known to NuORDER and are the responsibility of the customer.
NuORDER Pre-Built Connectors
NuORDER has developed Connectors (e.g. pre-built integrations) that can provide the full end-to-end implementation for several popular systems. If you are using one of these listed here, please click to read more information on what is supported and what to expect with your project.
Will the integration be customized, or will it be "plug-n-play"?
It depends on the system, but most of our projects require some sort of custom tailoring based on your specific data fields and business rules. In general, the more robust the system, the more variances there will be from one brand to the next, and the more we'll need to custom configure the interfaces to work with your specific setup. Due to the amount of data and configuration involved, all of our in-house ERP integrations will involve an Integration Manager to help configure the settings and coordinate with our engineering team.
Do I have to use NuORDER's interfaces for these systems?
You don't have to, but we definitely recommend it. Our aim is to simplify the process and streamline your costs by providing these integrations, while also setting up the feeds so that you can get the most possible benefits and features. However in most cases you are welcome to utilize your own provider to develop the data feeds with NuORDER. We suggest contacting your software provider for more information if you are interested in utilizing an independent development partner.
Vendor Provided Integrations
In some cases, your ERP or software provider may offer integration services to connect with NuORDER, either through a "standard package" integration or a fully customized build. Some of the systems we have worked with in the past that have provided these services are:
Island Pacific
NGC / Red Horse
Showroom Exchange
Simparel / Exenta
Springboard Retail POS
Vantage Point
If you are using one of these systems, contact your provider for more information on their "NuORDER Integration" offerings.
Other Integrations
Many other systems can be integrated with NuORDER by your own in-house resources or a third party contractor or consultant. Some of the systems that have been integrated this way include*:
Apparel 21
AS400 (various platforms)
- Epicor
JD Edwards
Lawson / M3
Microsoft Dynamics AX
Microsoft Navision
Microsoft Great Plains
SAP BusinessOne
Simparel / Exenta
System 21
Visual 2000
*Please note: We have integrations with many more systems beyond this example list! Please let us know if you are interested in a system that is not listed and we can give you more information about how integration has been implemented.
So, can I integrate my system with NuORDER?
If your system is listed in the "Other" category above, or not listed in this article at all, there are a few key questions you'll need to answer to determine if and how you can integrate:
- Who will handle the development for your integration?
- Will it be a Flat File (FTP) integration or an API integration?
- What type of data ("feeds") will you send and receive with NuORDER?
- How much will the project cost?
1. Who will handle the development for your integration?
Do you have any existing system or data integrations in your business currently? e.g. Between your ERP, PLM, E-com site, warehouse/fulfillment system, or accounting/invoicing system?
Who set up the existing integration(s)? For many brands, that resource will be the best person to work on your integration with NuORDER, or to recommend another resource.
If NO:
Who handled the initial setup & configuration of your software? That's usually the best place to start. Often times resources who set up the software can set up data to export & import with that system, or guide you to a third party consultant to work with you. If you still don't have anyone, contact your software provider; they may have a network of development partners they can refer to you.
2. Will it be an FTP or API integration?
If you have existing integrations: Is data being exchanged using flat files (CSV or TXT) or API integration? In most cases, the integration with NuORDER will utilize the same types of functionality as your existing integrations.
If you are exchanging batch files on a set schedule, that usually translates to a flat file integration via FTP or SFTP for NuORDER. View our Flat File Documentation.
If you are using API or web services currently, that may translate to a RESTful API integration with NuORDER. View our REST API Documentation.
If you don't have any existing integrations: Contact your software provider. They will usually be able to guide you on the type of integrations that can be supported. If you are working with a third party, they may have a preferred method of integration that they have implemented with other customers in the past. In most cases you want the method that the resource can implement most efficiently.
3. What data feeds will you send and receive with NuORDER?
Click here for a list and overview of Feeds we support.
Some systems will dictate the data feeds that must be included in the integration. For example, you may be required to sync products in order to sync inventory and orders. Other integrations, especially ones you may be developing on your own, will allow you to pick and choose the specific feeds you need.
While a "full suite" integration has enormous benefits, it involves time and effort to map fields, configure, test, and validate every data point.
If you are limited on time or budget, consider starting with just the most critical data points that change most often, e.g. orders and inventory, while managing other areas (e.g. products, customers) through our Admin bulk upload tools. You can always automate the other data types later once you are all set up and running smoothly.
4. How much will the project cost?
NuORDER costs: You just need a subscription to Integrated Portal and Services, which your account representative will help you obtain. This subscription will provide you with the software, professional services, and support to facilitate the setup and on-going maintenance of data integration between external systems and NuORDER. Integrated Portal features include data transfer to and from NuORDER via RESTful API or Secure FTP, Data Schema Mapper, Integration Job Manager, and Sandbox Environment access. Professional Services related to Initial Integration Setup may include Project Management, Integration Development, Testing, and Job Scheduling. Post-launch Support includes Developer Support, issue resolution related to active data feeds, and edits to integration mappings.
Third party vendor and development costs: Your vendor or other development resource will usually give you a quote for their side of the project, which should include development, customizations, testing, and go-live support. The NuORDER Engagement Manager who will be working closely with you and your vendor/developer on planning, guidance on functionality and field mappings, sandbox and/or FTP/SFTP setup, testing support, troubleshooting, and project management.
Next Steps
To get the ball rolling:
Loop in your software provider or developer.
If they haven't integrated with NuORDER before, share our Flat File / API documentation with them.
After the developer has reviewed our documentation, we can schedule a call with an Integration expert or Solutions Engineer from our team to run through any questions or special scenarios, and make sure everyone is aligned on expectations.
Your developer will give you a quote for their side of the project.
NuORDER will give you a quote for our side of the project.