EZ Orders allow brand users to send a link with suggested products, so buyers can simply enter quantities to complete their order. You can send an EZ Order from a Linesheet, Custom List, or the Working Order.
Note: Want to see what buyers see? Check out EZ Orders (for buyers).
Linesheets and Custom Lists
From the left navigation menu, go to Linesheets or Custom Lists and then open the one you want to email. Select Send in the upper-right corner.
Note: If you didn't create the Custom List, select Clone as Custom List, before you can send it.
Ensure Send as EZ Order is toggled on, specify the particulars of the email, and then select Send.
The Working Order
Add products to your cart, and then access the Working Order with the cart icon in the upper-right corner.
From the Order Details tab, select the Company and the Buyer, and then specify the particulars of the email. Make additional changes to the Working Order as needed (check out our Working order overview).
When you're ready, select Send EZ Order from the lower-left corner.
Note: The EZ Order expiration date defaults to a 2-week window if sent from the Working Order.
Select OK to close the confirmation that appears after the EZ Order sends successfully.
Review Campaigns
When you send an EZ Order through NuORDER, a Campaign is created so you can track the success of this email, including the amount of orders placed. From the left navigation menu, select Campaigns to review these stats.
Q: What is the sort number in the EZ Order product XLS file?
A: When you download an EZ Order into a XLS file, the merchandised order of products are based on the sort order of the items in your Product Data file (not the order that the products were added into the EZ Order).
Q: Why can't my buyers see the Submit Order button on the EZ Order?
A: If the Submit Order button doesn't appear, it's likely due to the web browser screen being too zoomed in. Ask the buyer to press Control (PC) or Command (Mac) and the minus (-) button to shrink the screen and expose the Submit Order button.
Q: Do discounts appear on EZ Orders?
A: Yes. When reviewing a standard order or an EZ Order (from the Order Details page, PDF, or email), the Price Adjustments menu includes a list of discounts (promotional, company, or manual).